MeritHub is the most powerful, and globally used platform that is purposely built for interactive online teaching. It covers all aspects including audio/video communication, tabbed whiteboards, drawing & annotation, screen sharing, breakout rooms, and lesson recording in MP4 format. You can store & share content, homework, assignments, and track all activities including attendance.
Tutors love MeritHub whiteboard to share & annotate pdfs, ppts in real-time, across devices. They can copy-paste text & images, insert equations, embed & edit Google docs, play audio/video files, YouTube, quizzes, and games.
MeritHub whiteboard not only provides drawing and shapes but enables drag-drop images, annotating PDF-PPT & Docs, playing video and audio files synchronously, sharing multiple screens, quizzes, and polls, sharing YouTube videos, and embedding games.
Breakout rooms
Attendance Recording/Monitoring
Attendance Tracking
File sharing
Api and Integrations
LMS Integration (LTI)
Polls & Quizzes
Raise Hand
Real-Time Chat
session recording
Video Conferencing
Audio conferencing
Video chat
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