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Is the McDonald's ice cream machine broken?


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Features & Specs

  1. Real-time Data

    Provides real-time information about the operational status of McDonald's ice cream machines, allowing users to check availability before visiting.

  2. User Convenience

    Offers an easy way for ice cream lovers to find out if the machines are working, saving time and avoiding disappointment.

  3. Crowdsourcing Engagement

    Engages users by encouraging contributions to the status updates of ice cream machines, creating a sense of community involvement.


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  • The California Job-Killer That Wasn't
    Also fix their broken ice cream machines. That maybe 5% unto itself. - Source: Hacker News / about 2 months ago
  • Victory Is Sweet: We Can Now Fix McDonald's Ice Cream Machines
    Https:// scrapes online ordering and confirms not just a meme, 1/10 locations broken atm, 1/3 in some markets. - Source: Hacker News / 3 months ago
  • Victory Is Sweet: We Can Now Fix McDonald's Ice Cream Machines
    > No one cares about ice cream from Mc Donald's People care enough that there's a website mapping working McDonalds icecream machines across several countries, that has been up for years: - Source: Hacker News / 3 months ago
  • Victory Is Sweet: We Can Now Fix McDonald's Ice Cream Machines
    I've heard plenty of stories about the MCD ice cream machines, but it doesn't add up for me. Can someone who has more insight shed some light into this? - Are the machines listed as "broken" on actually broken? Or is that more of a meme, with many just undergoing routine cleaning, etc.? - Why does this seemingly happen only in US? In European McDonald's it's pretty much unheard of. - Why... - Source: Hacker News / 3 months ago
  • iFixit Petitions Government for Right to Hack McDonald's Ice Cream Machine
    There is a hot mic admission by Taylor representatives that the McFlurry machine was designed specifically to increase maintenance costs to extract more money from franchisees. Working McFlurry machine map: - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
  • McDonald's Grimace shake
    The McBroken is a real time website that lets you know the exact location of every working and non-working McDonald's ice cream machine. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Well this was a surprise at one of my stops.
    How to prevent heartbreak (and gunshots!): Source: over 1 year ago
  • So my parents just found out Mercedes are apparently horribly unreliable. indeed shows it happens a lot in the UK. There were far more red dots then green when I looked last weekend. Source: over 1 year ago
  • We need soft ice cream on the Uber eats menu
    Https:// You can use this! Source: over 1 year ago
  • Name a better Charlotte duo. 1st car has a fake dealer tag + 2nd car has no tag w/ 1 working brake light.
    Looks like most of them in the area are working Source: over 1 year ago
  • Is there a single McDonalds in Saskatoon that doesn’t have a broken f’ing ice cream machine?
    This website should have you covered. Might save some time. You know it’s an issue when someone goes to this length. Lol. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Is the McDonald’s ice cream machine in your area working?
    Actually, there's an online tracker for this: Source: over 1 year ago
  • What's an underrated website that you love but few people know about? which tells you which mcdonald's ice cream machines are broken and which aren't. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • This car rear ended me.
    Though it's possible both OP and their new friend both found that macd with Https:// Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Fast Food Companies with Apps are Detached From Reality.
    The website keeps track of the status of every McDonalds ice cream machine. The Taylor "repair racket" story is pretty interesting, too. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • How often is the McFlurry machine at McDonalds actually broken?
    Useful website that is relevant —> Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Help me pick my next iOS project
    Just adding for your McDonald's ice cream should check out I think it polls the online order system to see if it can order ice cream or not and if not it'll update as broken. Pretty creative app imo. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Gonna binge eat McDonald's right now.
    If you're craving Mickey's icecream make sure to check McBroken to ensure the ice cream machine works. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • McDonald's getting aggressive trying to hire those 14 year olds
    Oh, and there is the website... Source: almost 2 years ago
  • [WP] The eldritch god stood before the girl, in almost human form. "Your parents sold you to be my bride. I accepted, knowing that if I didn’t, they will just try another deity, but I will not force this on you. Have this credit card and live as you wish. If you want something else instead, just ask
    If you want ice cream you just need to consult the oracle. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • McDonald's getting aggressive trying to hire those 14 year olds
    There's a website that shows the status of the McDonald's ice cream machines. Source: almost 2 years ago

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