I recognize its expensive, but Marketsmith is absolutely worth it for the CANSLIM investor. All the info you need in one, easy to navigate spot. Source: over 1 year ago
Relative Strength measures the stock performance relative to the stock market as a whole. The average RS Rating of the best performing stocks from the early 1950s through 2008, before their major run-ups was 87(means the stocks are in top 87 percentile). In other words, the best stocks were already doing better than nearly 9 out of 10 others when they were starting out on their most explosive advance yet. So the... Source: about 2 years ago
The S stands for supply vs. Demand for shares. Nikola has reduced its float to 282.8 million shares. It shows 398.3 million shares outstanding. Management owns 16% of the shares outstanding, according to MarketSmith. This means that executives are dining on their own cooking. Source: over 3 years ago
Tesla, an IBD Leaderboard stock, eased 0.9% to 649.26, below a 675 buy point but still above its 10-week line, according to MarketSmith chart analysis. Source: over 3 years ago
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