Install in 2 minutes on your website or blog and instantly get automatic rich link previews on hover. previews help your visitors to get context from linked content without bouncing between browser tabs, and, most importantly, without leaving your site.
Automatic link preview on hover
Rich link preview for 1000+ websites
Mobile link previews
Link preview analytics
Dynamic dark mode
Custom preview styles
Linked article preview
Link preview placement
Promote You can add any of these badges on your website.
As of 2023, is the only solution that automatically generates live link previews on hover & click. Immersive previews on click allow to see linked content within your website, including: - Videos from YouTube - Articles from third-party websites, e.g. Wikipedia - PDF files - 1000+ rich media embeds
Hi, I'm Vittorio, and I'm improving the Internet browsing. However, I'm not building another web browser. As a big Wikipedia & Google Docs user, I liked how a minor addition of link previews on hover positively enhanced the UX. My goal is to similarly improve the UX of other websites & the Internet overall. Generating link previews on hover at scale fast is quite a problem. However, I solved similar scalability... - Source: Hacker News / 10 months ago
I've launched a couple months ago is hyperlink auto-previews that keep visitors on your website. It's heavily inspired by Wikipedia & Google Docs link preview popups with special extras. For example, when you click on a YouTube hyperlink, it does not take you to Youtube website, instead it opens lightbox with Youtube video on your website. All with just one line of code. $500+/m in a... - Source: Hacker News / about 3 years ago
I would love to hear your thoughts. You can install it for Free on your website at (takes 2 minutes). Source: about 3 years ago
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