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Kustomize is an intelligent Kubernetes native configuration management software that comes with the manifestation to add, remove, or update configuration options without the need for forking.

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Features & Specs

  1. Declarative Syntax

    Kustomize provides a declarative approach to managing Kubernetes configurations, allowing users to specify desired states in YAML files rather than using scripts or imperative commands.

  2. No Templating Required

    Unlike Helm, Kustomize does not use templates, reducing complexity and potential errors in rendering templates. Users can simply modify YAML files directly.

  3. Layered Customization

    It allows users to apply multiple overlays or transformations to base configurations, enabling a modular and reusable approach to manage environments like dev, staging, and production.

  4. Integration with kubectl

    Kustomize is integrated with kubectl since version 1.14, making it easy to use and deploy directly from the command line without needing additional tools.


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CNCF-KCNA — Kustomize

⚡️ Enlightning - Kustomize Demystified

Define And Deploy Apps - Feat. Helm, Kustomize, Carvel ytt, and cdk8s (You Choose!, Ch. 1, Ep. 3)

Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about Kustomize and what they use it for.
  • Getting started on MOCO, the MySQL Operator for Kubernetes Part 1
    Customize manifests If you want to edit the manifest, config/ directory contains the source YAML for kustomize. - Source: / about 1 month ago
  • Building Web Applications Using Amazon EKS : AWS Project
    Please discover more details on Kustomize here, Kustomize official document. - Source: / 3 months ago
  • How to use the AWS Load Balancer Controller to connect multiple EKS clusters with existing Application Load Balancers
    We use Kustomize to connect our ArgoCD applications together (minimising the number of “app of apps” connections needed) and that’s what the kustomization.yaml file is for, and here it contains the two top-level appset-*.yaml files. - Source: / 4 months ago
  • What Is Flux CD & How Does It Work? [Tutorial]
    Flux CD also uses Kustomize to let you deploy multiple instances of your apps with different overrides, such as for staging and production environments. Kustomizations are created as YAML files within your repositories and are managed by Flux's Kustomize controller. This lets you customize each deployment individually without having to touch the source files. - Source: / 6 months ago
  • Different Containerising Options for .NET Developers
    .NET Aspire is to orchestrate .NET apps in containers. For this Docker Compose orchestration purpose, Aspirate is used, which is a tool that generates the Docker Compose file, a Kustomize file or helm file for the container orchestration. To use Aspirate, you need to install it first:. - Source: / 6 months ago
  • Why You Should Learn Kubernetes
    There are also lots of tools developed by the community that you can use in Kubernetes to make your setup more versatile like integrating it into CI/CD Pipeline or following the GitOps approach. Tools like ArgoCD, Kustomize, and Helm can make you more productive by embracing the Kubernetes model in your deployment. - Source: / 7 months ago
  • 26 Top Kubernetes Tools
    Kustomize is a configuration management tool that lets you customize the objects defined in Kubernetes YAML files each time they're used. You can create a base configuration, then override it with custom layers that provide unique options for different environments such as production or staging. - Source: / 8 months ago
  • The 2024 Web Hosting Report
    It’s also well understood that having a k8s cluster is not enough to make developers able to host their services - you need a devops team to work with them, using tools like delivery pipelines, Helm, kustomize, infra as code, service mesh, ingress, secrets management, key management - the list goes on! Developer Portals like Backstage, Port and Cortex have started to emerge to help manage some of this complexity. - Source: / about 1 year ago
  • 10 Ways for Kubernetes Declarative Configuration Management
    Kustomize: It provides a solution to customize the Kubernetes resource base configuration and differential configuration without template and DSL. It does not solve the constraint problem itself, but needs to cooperate with a large number of additional tools to check constraints, such as Kube-linter, Checkov and kubescape. - Source: / about 1 year ago
  • SmartCash Project - GitOps with FluxCD
    There are different strategies to structure the GitOps repository, for this scenario, a mono-repo strategy is used and kustomize will be used to manage the K8 manifest for the application. - Source: / over 1 year ago
  • Best Kubernetes DevOps Tools: A Comprehensive Guide
    Kustomize provides a template-free way to customize Kubernetes YAML configurations using overlays and generators without templates. It is ideal for customizing YAML configs for multiple Kubernetes environments like dev, staging, and prod. Engineering teams can define common resources in a base and then apply overlays with patches, variable substitutions, and images per environment. - Source: / over 1 year ago
  • Automating Kubernetes Deployments with FluxCD for Patched and Signed Container Images
    To use Flux with your Kubernetes deployments they need to be packaged somehow and one of the ways to do that is to use the popular resource configuration management tool, Kustomize. - Source: / over 1 year ago
  • Git going with GitOps on AKS: A Step-by-Step Guide using FluxCD AKS Extension
    In this post, I will jump right into how you can "git" going with GitOps by enabling the FluxCD AKS Extension on your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and using a tool called Kustomize to help with Kubernetes configuration management. - Source: / over 1 year ago
  • Manipulating Terraform states for fun, profit, and reusability
    The TL;DR is ergomake/layerform is a GPL v3 licensed package/service that lets one create instances of infrastructure sets through composition of Terraform. It presents itself with Kubernetes examples but its readme has goal of doing any type of infrastructure. I sort of fail to see why one just can't write reusable Terraform modules already to accomplish the same. If you don't want someone modifying a base layer,... - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
  • Easy way to create kubernetes manifests in github?
    One idea to explore here is to make use of kustomize that can allow you to parameterize these workloads in a way that you can have developers just create a kustomization file each time and check that in, which should in turn deploy a new application. The same could be done with helm where each release could just have new params and a namespace into which it is deployed. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Managing manifests. Anyone using cdk8s in production?
    You are essentially describing Kustomize. Works well, some minor limitations at scale, but I think this is what you want. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Kubernetes Kustomize Tutorial: A Beginner-Friendly Developer Guide!
    Kustomize, just like the name implies, is used for customizing Kubernetes deployments to help developers manage Kubernetes application configurations. With Kustomize, it is easy to define a base set of Kubernetes resources and create overlays on top of it in separate directories to modify or extend the base configuration. It allows you to have a single source of truth for all your Kubernetes application... - Source: / almost 2 years ago
  • Does anyone else feel like this? - yeah, we're also sick of repeating deployment config 3 times. So just write it once and manage overrides for each instance instead of repeating stuff and ending up with a world of drift. Source: about 2 years ago
  • Refactoring GitOps repository to support both real-time and reconciliation window changes
    Intermediate knowledge of Flux, Kustomize and K8s. - Source: / about 2 years ago
  • Continuous Delivery for the rest of us
    Kustomize is a tool that allows developers to customize and deploy their Kubernetes applications, creating customized versions of their applications by modifying and extending existing resources, without having to write new YAML files from scratch. This can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as creating different environments (e.g. staging, production), or deploying the same application to different... - Source: / about 2 years ago
  • envsubst with template file vs using CD Tools
    You should really be comparing your approach with alternative templating tools like Kustomize or Helm. There are lots and lots of options... Source: about 2 years ago

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