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For the full story and the author's opinion to buy or sell NFLX, take a look at Jika.io https://www.jika.io/u/Aidan%20Silverman, a new community for retail investors to connect and post their insights about specifics stocks in their portfolio -- prioritizing content to enhance access to valuable financial information. Source: over 1 year ago
Instead of listening to biased analysts it's better to go on professional communities like jika.io or valueinvestorsclub.com and follow someone with a linked portfolio that show what kind of investor he is. Source: over 1 year ago
Many experienced value investors in our tight community, jika.io. You should check it out to learn more lessons! Source: over 1 year ago
I also hate the ****posting on Reddit and I personally use jika.io for stock discussions. People also have connected portfolio there so you know who is trustworthy and who isnt. Source: almost 2 years ago
Don't rely on reddit comments for your investments. If you're not sure how to analyze stocks, either buy an index or join a value investors community like jika, where you get access to the people's portfolios so you can get validation for the recommendations.. Source: almost 2 years ago
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