iServer365 provides a SaaS EA repository uniquely extended by the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, driving Enterprise Transformation at pace.
The core of the iServer365 platform is a SaaS repository with a fixed or extend-able metamodel that supports major industry frameworks: TOGAF, BPMN, ArchiMate, ITIL, COBIT, and more.
This provides a comprehensive and governed single source of truth to better share, analyze and visualize data...all in the cloud.
Comprehensive Enterprise Architecture
iServer365 offers a robust and comprehensive platform designed for enterprise architecture, providing extensive support for modeling, mapping, and managing complex IT landscapes.
Integration Capabilities
The platform supports various integrations with popular tools such as Microsoft 365, ServiceNow, and other major business applications, enhancing its usability within existing ecosystems.
User-Friendly Interface
iServer365 is known for its intuitive and easy-to-use interface, making it accessible for users with different levels of technical expertise.
Cloud-Based Flexibility
As a cloud-based solution, iServer365 offers flexibility in terms of accessibility and scalability, allowing organizations to adapt their usage based on current needs.
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