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We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about ImportYeti and what they use it for.
  • DragonFly Commerce (Backed by volition capital) has been importing some interesting things...
    The shipment doesn't reference any baby products. BUT if you drill into their company's page on, one of their customers is Heritage Baby Products:. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Supply Chain research resources? is another good resource. Source: over 1 year ago
  • I really like this supplier from Aliexpress, however, I can't seem to find their main source (i.e. manufacturer/factory).
    Do a search on and see if it provides some clues. Source: about 2 years ago
  • An exercise in supply chains
    US customs keeps a record of all imports and who exported them, and this data is theoretically available to the public. The challenge is that you have to request it and it gets sent to you unsorted on a CD-ROM. There are paid services like Panjiva that sort this info into something searchable, and a fellow Redditor created which is free and provides much of the same functionality. Through that... Source: about 2 years ago
  • Finding out what a product is from its Harmonized System code: photographic lab equipment, or: What is HS 901020?
    I already checked out, which I found thanks to this subreddit (results here), but it only gave me the name of the suppliers and not what exactly is meant. The shipment numbers also seem sort of low for making up almost 1% of China's imports. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Fraud bad. PPP Watchdogs good.
    I was trying to distinguish between those kinds of expenditures and the $5,000 a month in government fees the guy who runs has to pay, and I get why you might be a little reluctant to spell it out- not everyone understands graphic artists, webdevs and programmers need to pay for rent and ramen, regardless of COGS. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Bidet Business
    I don't know where they manufacture. You might be able to look it up on Source: over 2 years ago
  • Supplier Sourcing - Data
    You can try supplier databases like , , Source: almost 3 years ago
  • How to find manufacturer for new product? look up those that make it already and reach out to their suppliers? Source: almost 3 years ago
  • A little walk down memory lane. Remember these $1 Alibaba mugs that Natalie claimed were “custom shaped?”
    Here they are on Source: almost 3 years ago
  • How to i find people to make my product? Let's say i want to make face moisturizer, so how to i find people who can run tests and make these products for me? - try searching big names and you can see where they source their stuff. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • How do I start? blew my mind. Shows you where EVERYONE orders from. Search Nike, LuluLemon, whoever. You can learn a lot. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • How to find a supplier?
    For the record, the response below about is correct. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • kitchenware business advice.
    Check out to find out manufacturers and do check out, these 2 websites are quite helpful. Source: about 3 years ago
  • Gas station LCD display in cold temperatures
    If you know the gas station that has the screen you're looking for try searching their shipments on They have every company's incoming shipments with a description of the import. I'm sure after some digging you could find what you're looking for. Source: about 3 years ago
  • Quick Guide on Importing from Alibaba
    A site that will help you choosing your suppliers. You can browse where Nike gets its shoes made for example. Https:// Source: about 3 years ago
  • Hi Reddit, there is this website called yeti"something".com that lets you see what country your products come from just by pasting in their company url. But I can't remember the name of it. I'm hoping one of you may know what I'm talking about?
    Just found it, it's Will leave this post up for anyone else interested. Source: over 3 years ago
  • Searching by HS Code
    Can you send me an e-mail theyeti at ? I'd love to do a deep dive into this and get this solved! Source: over 3 years ago

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