htmx gives you access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext
htmx is small (~14k min.gz’d), dependency-free, extendable, IE11 compatible & has reduced code base sizes by 67% when compared with react
Ease of Integration
htmx allows developers to easily add dynamic, AJAX-powered interactions to existing HTML without requiring significant rework or the use of heavier JavaScript frameworks.
Server-Side Rendering
htmx leverages the benefits of server-side rendering and progressive enhancement, ensuring better SEO, faster initial load times, and improved accessibility.
Reduced JavaScript
With htmx, much of the interactivity can be managed using HTML attributes, resulting in less custom JavaScript code and potentially fewer bugs and maintenance challenges.
Progressive Enhancement
htmx supports a progressive enhancement approach, allowing features to be enhanced progressively without breaking the fundamental user experience for those with JavaScript disabled.
Declarative Style
htmx advocates for a declarative style of programming which can make code more readable and maintainable by clearly expressing the intended behavior in HTML.
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The Single-Page Application trend gained popularity partly because it allowed developers to avoid full page reloads during navigation or form submissions. HTMX has been generating buzz recently precisely because it enables bypassing full document reloads. At the same time, it sticks to a document-based approach for browser/server interactions. This eliminates the need to retrofit JSON API constraints.... - Source: / about 1 month ago
FastHTML gets you up and running quickly while also making it easy for your users. It does this by selecting key core technologies such as ASGI and HTMX. The foundations page from FastHTML introduces these technologies and gives the basics (though you don’t need to know about these to get started). - Source: / about 1 month ago
I would recommend the homepage & docs: and if you want a more in depth treatment, our book (free online): - Source: Hacker News / about 1 month ago
In this series of posts we will create a To-Do app using HTMX and Django, following a TDD (Test-driven development) workflow. - Source: / about 2 months ago
I'd definitely love to do something front-end related and therefore I'd like to play a little bit with htmx. But first I need an idea for a small application. This way I plan to code again in Golang (this year I didn't manage to code anything useful). - Source: / about 2 months ago
That's why I grew fond of libraries such as Alpine.js and htmx, which require no setup and are easy to use. However, I felt these had some limitations. Since they were mostly designed for client-side usage, it wasn't really possible to use them in server-side rendering contexts (including static generation). - Source: / 3 months ago
I've spent years slowly migrating a personal project from PHP to Scala/React, and I'm devastated if React is out-of-date already. The web tech treadmill is relentless! Seems the author recommended HTMX as an alternative in a couple of scenarios. I checked out HTMX. The canonical example on the homepage ( was a button where a click calls the server and the response contains HTML to replace the... - Source: Hacker News / 3 months ago
I'VE been a long-time proponent of the power of HTML forms and how natural they make it to build web pages that allow users to input data. Recently, I got a chance to refurbish an old internal application we use at work using htmx and Scala's Play Framework. In this app we often use HTML forms to submit information. For example:. - Source: / 3 months ago
Almost as easy as the AlpineJS, but with a little more work. Download the HTMX lib from HTMX website in the palindrome/static/js folder:. - Source: / 3 months ago
Indeed, good description. Noting that vue etc. Are MVC in the browser, with (typically) calls to json http endpoints on the back end to read/write data. JQuery was born in a time of server-side rendering (SSR) where, in essence, MVC happened in the back end and it shipped html to the browser. In that model, the browser is essentially a terminal that renders output formed in the back end. JQuery was one... - Source: Hacker News / 3 months ago
Htmx is a modern HTML extension that adds bidirectional communication between the browser and the server. - Source: / 3 months ago
In this post, I’ll walk you through my experiences building the TodoMVC app using HTMX. I'll cover the architectural considerations, handy tips, pros and cons, insights, and everything in between. - Source: / 3 months ago
Htmx: Allows for dynamic content without heavy JavaScript frameworks. - Source: / 4 months ago
JSDoc is not present in the survey, so I do not have any kind of data to say that its a good option. The only thing that I can say is that HTMX is using it, but its a very simple library. - Source: / 4 months ago
HTMX is an open source JS library that extends HTML allowing it to make HTTP requests (other than the default form POST) and update the DOM. - Source: / 4 months ago
Svelte vs React is discussion that will never end. For those of us who do not like to code complex logic and state in javascript, I can recommed htmx Also, I am more comfortable writing backend code and this just fits my style better. - Source: Hacker News / 4 months ago
It is a novel experience to say the least for me. I mean yes I have been using Handlebars, pug, and other templating engines but this is novel in how it changed my perspective about HTML (Just read their motivation in - Source: / 4 months ago
So let's say you want to do web development, you watched some YouTube's and all the cool kids are using React and Next.JS, maybe you decided you would go another route like Golang with HTMX. Whatever it is, you have inadvertently joined a cult, welcome! - Source: / 4 months ago
In this post, I'll focus on HTMX, whose approach is quite different. - Source: / 4 months ago
HTMX allows you to add dynamic interactions to your project without needing heavy JavaScript frameworks. You can organize your Django templates with small, reusable HTMX snippets. This allows you to update specific parts of the page based on user actions, without requiring a full page reload. This pattern works great with Django’s views because each piece of content can be treated as its own view and then injected... - Source: / 4 months ago
TL;DR: Yes and it's creating "It's X and limited by Y, but it works" projects In web front-end, the same pattern crops up repeatedly. Two examples: * Elm[1]: It's brutally functional and limited by purity, but it works * htmx[2]: It's grug-brained[3] and limited by that, but it works I'll let others enumerate web frameworks. On desktop, uxn and Varvara software[4] by Hundred Rabbits fit the same pattern: * 64k of... - Source: Hacker News / 5 months ago
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