Meet Glue - a customer loyalty program designed specifically for local business owners. So much more than just a coupon creator or loyalty card maker, Glue offers local businesses their very own branded loyalty app, and an automated loyalty manager that knows just what and when to send your customers to get them coming back.
With Glue, your local business can now offer its customers the same rewards, points, and coupons as every major chain, at a fraction of the cost and with zero hassle. Glue’s digital loyalty puts your local business’s customer loyalty in line with the biggest brands in the world. A self-run solution that fills the need for additional workers and previous know-how, bringing your customers back under your brand, and boosting your bottom line while you don’t have to lift a finger
Glue’s loyalty solution comes built-in with the most advanced, retention driving, loyalty proven solutions in the market:
Points Earning System Coupons Loyalty Cards Subscriptions Prepaid multi-passes Play-to-Win Games
loyalty program
An automatic loyalty strategy builder & manager
Analytics and Reporting
Loyalty and sales growth analysis and reporting
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