JavaScript SDK and PHP backend for uploading and selecting files, managing storage and editing images.
Built-in features: Image editor (crop, resize, transform, draw, ... tools) | 30K free stock photos from Unsplash | Gallery manager (multiple selection, reordering images)
Flmngr file manager can be installed on different platforms as plugin, module or NPM package.
WYSIWYG editors: TinyMCE plugin | N1ED plugin | CKEditor 4 and CKEditor 5 add-ons | Froala plugin
CMS: Drupal 10, Drupal 9, Drupal 8 module | Joomla 4, Joomla 3 extension
Web components: React | Vue | Angular
Cloud storage support: (Amazon S3 | Azure Blob).
Upload files
Copy/Past/Cut/Delete/Rename files
Browse files
Search/Filter files
Free stock photos
Image Editor
Managing files and folders
Dynamic directory listing
Cloud and local storage support
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