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Elfeed Emacs Web Feed Reader

A fast and lightweight RSS/Atom reader embedded in Emacs.

Elfeed Emacs Web Feed Reader

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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about Elfeed Emacs Web Feed Reader and what they use it for.
  • Automated integer hash function discovery
    He's also the author of elfeed [0] "An Emacs web feeds client". I've found his minimalist implementation very inspiring. [0] - Source: Hacker News / 9 months ago
  • Does anyone here live inside emacs? can you share your workflow if you do?
    The tools I use for living inside Emacs are: - EXWM as window manager - mew for e-mail - org-mode for calendar and todo-list - terminology as shell/terminal (before it was xterm, but wanted transparency) - elfeed as rss-reader - hackernews for... Source: over 1 year ago
  • Multi project management - perspective, persp-mode, tab-bar-mode, or...?
    (Bonus) I want to dedicate some "perspective" or "tab" for programs such as Org Agenda, Elfeed, etc. Source: about 2 years ago
  • Emacs as a RSS reader.
    For a complete elfeed documentation visit the official elfeed page. - Source: / over 2 years ago
  • Newsraft - a little brother of Newsboat
    If I come across an arbitrary element I want to ignore/skip, I don't Bother looking at the tags. Instead I count element depth until I'm back At the original depth. I don't need to be strict about it since the goal Is only to extract useful information from the input. In practice this Always works fine. (I've been working in this space for almost 9 Years, and I have yet to observe a case Where this doesn't... Source: over 2 years ago
  • FF Livemarks (RSS) for Reddit?
    No, I use Livemarks to get an indication a site provides a feed (i. e. The feed icon) and discover the feed URL without having to search for it in the page source. Then I add that URL to an external feed reader (Elfeed for years now). Source: over 2 years ago
  • I’ve used Emacs nearly every day since 1980/teco. I’m now on 28.1. What are the best things I’m missing?
    I can't believe no-one has mentioned elfeed + elfeed-dashboard makes an awesome RSS reader. I used it to find this post through the reddit RSS post. But I can scan all the RSS things and read through them far more rapidly than visiting each idiosyncratic web page. Source: over 2 years ago
  • RSS feed readers
    Elfeed in emacs plus "Rss All The Things" for pages that don't supply RSS (like Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Noob to Emacs
    If you consume RSS/Atom feeds Elfeed seems to be the go-to these days. Source: over 3 years ago

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