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Educational Resources Information Center

Educational Resources Information Center is all in one database of indexed full-text education literature and resources that is authoritative.

Educational Resources Information Center

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We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about Educational Resources Information Center and what they use it for.
  • Americans Are Skipping Doctor Visits Due to Costs
    I never said doctors were the problem, I said congress was the major cause of the problem by limiting the amount of residency slots based on incorrect predictions. Those for-profit engines do have an effect but they're just playing by the rules established by congress. Not sure where you got conspiratorial or uninformed, here's the study that guided the decision making [1]. I will take sophomoric since I don't... - Source: Hacker News / about 1 year ago
  • Show HN: Hacker News User Blogroll
    Probably better to sort by karma by default though, otherwise it's alphabetical privilege all over again lol - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
  • Where to search for RRL that are free?
    16.Education Research Information Source: over 1 year ago
  • The World Is Full of Sleeping Beauties
    I would point to the World Wide Web as an example of this. This book circa 1970 predicted that you'd be getting your news online in the early 1980s based on the "Delphi method" polling both experts and laymen. The author was famous later for books like The Media Monopoly that took a Marxist perspective but this book takes a McLuhanite perspective but attacks the concept... - Source: Hacker News / almost 2 years ago
  • Help! Library Asst. turned Librarian!
    Rutgers has an excellent School Librarianship program (ranked #2 nationally, though it was #1 when I attended... cough). You can find the course details here: uh... here. You can see if there are topics or concepts in some of the course learning objectives that are relevant to your needs. You might find that your local library can be helpful in connecting you to some of those resources. You may also find ERIC has... Source: almost 2 years ago
  • I asked for some good wholesome shows and they recommended this. Is it worth the watch?
    🔸Eric It is an online digital library of education research and information sponsored by the Institute of Educational Sciences. Provides easy access to educational resources to support their use in improving learning and teaching practices, educational decision-making, and research. Http:// Source: almost 2 years ago
  • This is a rock solid research engine with deep search results for digging into all things. It's got some power behind that - that is for sure. This is now my go to search engine. Check the left side menu for thoughful breakdown of topics and ability to drill into those topics. Super cool shit.
    Isn’t it also limited to information that’s accessible to other search engine or can this successfully pull info like one would from a search on Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Genetic Variants Linked to ADHD
    Tourette's & Tic Disorders However diagnostic criteria and practice is weak and varied, and has been based on a mental model where its a physical difference in rear brain mass and shape. This article highlights the complexity: Neurodivergence in context: Older... - Source: Hacker News / about 2 years ago
  • Articles/research regarding workload
    I used ERIC for a lot of research articles in my Masters program. There are articles that lead to paywalls, but there are filters to narrow down to find full text on the site. One of my favorites. Source: about 2 years ago
  • American society is so focused on race that it is blind to class
    Gallop polls not withstanding there is evidence it improved the lives of minorities. I've lived in the south where busing had been forced and the north where it wasn't. It does work. > When people call busing ill conceived or the worst means of ensuring integration, they conveniently obscure that busing was almost always a tool of last resort, mandated by courts only after lengthy... - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • The irrelevance of test scores is greatly exaggerated
    You seem to be completely unfamiliar with the research in the field. It is well known that controlling for socioeconomic factors does not impact predictive validity of standardized tests. See for example > Scores on the SAT (a test widely used in the admissions process in the United States), secondary school grades, college grades, and SES... - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • 'Attention economy' corrupts science: Science in the attention economy
    Is there a legal problem. What's the basis for the opinion. What is the precedent. Let's take a pre-web example: Use of the early Internet was restricted to military, academic and later other institutions. Pre-1993, advertising was generally not permitted.^1 Were those rules legal problems. 1. "ICANN", a secretive non-profit coporation with some very well-compensated staff,... - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • Share some websites or apps that may help students like us!
    ERIC ( - is a digital library wherein you can access education research and information. It's good for research. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Help needed for RRL
    However, since education naman pala, I used ERIC ( as it is specialized for that, paki-enable na lang yung full text available if gusto mo mabasa yung buong paper. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Your Compassion is Perceived as Weakness
    I mean, popping onto ERIC and spending a hot minute searching "antiracism" or something like that would return a lot of actual academic literature about its effectiveness. I have to assume that anybody who says that this "equity warrior bollocks" doesn't apply to the classrooms simply hasn't bothered to check if that's true or not. Not everything is about race, but some things are, and the structure of classrooms... Source: about 3 years ago
  • Hi Friends -- trying to find the best database or search engine for the undergrad I mentor. Do you have any suggestions based on this info provided?
    This is the list I created for my undergraduate students to use for our argumentative essays. It might be a good starting point for your student, too. Open Research Library CORE Search Engine Bielefeld Academic Search Engine Social Science Research Network Free Publicly-Accessible Databases ERIC, Institute of Education Services Directory of Open Access Journals Google Scholar / Google eBook... Source: about 3 years ago
  • Why Captcha Pictures Are So Unbearably Depressing
    > Oh and this whole "Just don't" dissmissal... Check your privilege, man, and develop some damn empathy. Soft healers make smelly wounds [1]: British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, v47 n2 p200-209 2019 Genuine happiness is impossible without authentic concern for and corresponding behaviour towards the well-being of others. Such an incorporation of others into the self refers to a "democratic self" and the... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
  • Calculus for Seven Year Olds [pdf]
    Please remember to assume good faith by taking a charitable interpretation of people's words. For example, we can see reference to the broader issue of gender bias rather than so narrowly focus on a specific claim about elementary teachers. To that point, there is substantive and substantial evidence of gender bias in STEM: Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
  • Malloc broke Serenity's JPGLoader, or: how to win the lottery
    The links are dead, but the citations are valid. Here are working links: J. Gutbezahl, How Negative Expectancies and Attitudes Undermine Females' Math Confidence and Performance: A Review of the Literature E. Spertus, Why are There so Few Female Computer Scientists? (1991) - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
  • (AMA)How to get spiritually awakened?
    Https:// - - - - - these are good to find reliable information and try to search neutral not with an opinion. "What are atoms made of" instead of "atoms made out of energy". I want to end this conversation now cause it gets straining. I hope you... Source: almost 4 years ago

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