The folder locker example was implemented with the Transparent File Encryption and Control Filter Driver SDK. With the folder locker you can prevent your protected files being read, written, deleted, renamed, copied out of the protected folder, allow you to authorize or deny the file access to specific user or process, also allow you to hide the files or automatically encrypt/decrypt the files on the fly.
To protect your files, first you need to add a protected folder to the locker, then configure the access rights of the folder: to allow or disallow the file deletion, file writing, file execution, file creation, file renaming, security change, file being copied out, file reading, file being accessed from network, hiding the files, file encryption.
Allow or disallow the file deletion, file writing, file execution, file creation, file renaming, security change, file being copied out, file reading, file being accessed from network, hiding the files, file encryption.
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