SCAN Invoices, university documents, insurance papers, recipes and many more can be digitized, organized and exported as PDF-files using Docutain. Thanks to the automatic edge detection and image procession in best quality.
EDIT Manual crop, color filter, add, rearrange, remove or edit pages. Even after saving, these options are still available.
ORGANIZE Title, tags, address, document type, amount, text recognition, date, tax relevance. Each document can be saved including this information. Organizing documents was never that extensive and easy at the same time.
SAFETY To secure your data from loss, you can not only save them locally, but also connect Doctuain to a cloud service of your choice and synchronize your data with all your devices, including windows desktop. In addition, data encryption can be activated and the app access can be secured with a password / fingerprint.
FIND Each document can be found by the information specified when saving. In addition, the text recognition (OCR) enables all documents to be searched for individual terms via the full-text search.
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This is an informative page about Docutain. You can review and discuss the product here. The primary details have been verified within the last quarter. So they could be considered up to date. If you think we are missing something, please use the means on this page to comment or suggest changes. All reviews and comments are highly encouranged and appreciated as they help everyone in the community to make an informed choice. Please always be kind and objective when evaluating a product and sharing your opinion.