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Build and control your own DIY smart home Lights with diyHue. The Open Source Hue Emulator integrates 3rd party devices incl. Alexa, Openhab, Home Assistant.

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diyHue using ESP8266 connected to entertainment area

DIYHue Motion Sensor

Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about diyHue and what they use it for.
  • Any Zigbee2MQTT users? Using Hue without a Hue Bridge
    Check out diyHue to use the Hue app with Zigbee2MQTT without a physical Hue bridge. I've been running it for almost a year with zero problems using the Hue Essentials app. Source: about 2 years ago
  • WiZ Dynamic Colors
    Finally, I'd like to mention DiyHUE, (HA addon and integration availables) which is basically a HUE emulator that allow you to add a lot of non-hue lights into the HUE ecosystem, and control them using the official HUE app, which has a really nice UI and the whole "hue labs" formulas and custom effects included, which is awesome. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Hue Bridge backup
    Maybe diyHue is what you're looking for. As a warning, consider it in alpha stage. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Is there software to control disparate color light brands into single interesting scenes a-la Hue scenes?
    There’s a few projects out there like this: and there’s probably a few others too. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Using non Phillips Zigbee bulbs in HomeKit via Hue Bridge?
    Ther also exists a Hue Bridge emulator called DIYhue. I didn‘t try it yet but it seems promising. This Software can run on a Pi and emulates a Hue Bridge. Therefore your official Hue app can discover it. On the other end the Software connect with the real Bridge but also with third party devices. For example over the ConBee II ZigBee USB Stick. Source: about 3 years ago
  • Is it worth upgrading a v2 hub?
    Get a Pi and a Zigbee gateway stick and install diyHue instead. Don't let Philips pull the rug on you, like they did with the v1. Source: about 3 years ago
  • On/off light switch options in the UK
    My solution when family and work will let me is to see if an alternate zigbee controller can be used with and and see if I can use some of the Chinese switches but still use the app that the family are used to. Source: about 3 years ago
  • Multiple bridge set up tips? Finding it very tricky to have two bridges, you can't have 'out of home control' set up on both, not sure if I should migrate all the switches and sensors to bridge 2 and try to leave the lights on bridge 1, but I might go past the limit of devices - what would you do?
    A combination of hueessentials and diyhue emulator can do the trick. Source: over 3 years ago

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