Our software is one of the easiest tools out there to combine multiple computers into a single, powerful render farm for use with the Blender 3d modelling and animation software package.
It installs as a plugin for blender and can work with as little as two computers or as many as you like! You can also combine your own hardware with rented servers from AWS to boost your rendering speed during crunch periods.
Our software supports rendering in Blender's Eevee and Cycles engine and can accelerate still images as well as animations. We fully support all the render passes of Cycles and Eevee and you can use Blender's compositor. In fact we've integrated crowdrender so that you can mostly use Blender as you normally would.
There are some limitations, you need to setup your own method for distributing files or assets external to your project, or you can pack your assets into your project file.
Single Frame render acceleration
Animation Render acceleration
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CrowdRender helps 3d animators/artists render their work faster by making use of any hardware they have on their local network. It focuses on ease of use and full compatibility with blender's render engines and compositor.