Graduating in April with nothing lined up. Built this in my spare time to help with my job search. Hopefully I’ll find something soon! (Or my thing takes off haha). Source: about 2 years ago
I would agree with others that it’s too long for an entry level position additionally you have too many bullet points for some of your positions. If your looking for a free website that might be able to help you standardize your resume, checkout Source: about 2 years ago
It’s still in the early/MVP stages so it’s kinda rough but here! Source: over 2 years ago
Off subject, I just looked at your website and it is amazing. It works so well I'm going to use it as a starting point for my next application. I would love a list of your stack, or even your package.json so I could go down that rabbit hole of technologies. Source: over 2 years ago
Writing personalized cover letters with machine learning. CoverQuick. Source: over 2 years ago
Now I’m sure there are many other tips about writing a cover letter that you can read online; however, I hope this can give you a solid start. Additionally if you’re looking for a free tool to give you rough start on your cover letter assuming you don’t want to start writing from scratch, check it out. The results can often be a bit wonky but it should provide you a decent starting point! Source: over 2 years ago
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