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Cloud Firestore

Use our flexible, scalable NoSQL cloud database to store and sync data for client- and server-side development.

Cloud Firestore Reviews and details

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Features & Specs

  1. Real-time Updates

    Cloud Firestore offers real-time data synchronization, which ensures that any changes to the database are immediately reflected across all connected clients.

  2. Scalability

    Firestore can handle massive amounts of data and traffic, scaling automatically as your app grows without requiring manual intervention.

  3. Ease of Use

    Firestore provides a simple and intuitive API, which is easy to use for developers, especially those already familiar with Firebase services.

  4. Offline Support

    Cloud Firestore allows your application to remain functional and retain data even when offline, synchronizing changes when the connection is restored.

  5. Security

    Firestore uses Firebase Authentication and security rules to protect data, which is crucial for ensuring that your data is safe and that only authorized users can access it.

  6. Flexible Data Model

    It allows you to store data in a flexible, hierarchical structure which can adapt to various use cases and data requirements.


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What is a NoSQL Database? How is Cloud Firestore structured? | Get to know Cloud Firestore #1

Cloud Firestore Data Modeling (Google I/O'19)

Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about Cloud Firestore and what they use it for.
  • How to write clean, typed Firestore code
    Ever since I started using Firestore more than 7 years ago, I have been wanting to find a better way to type my code and reduce boilerplate. In this article I will describe my journey, and how I finally found a way to write clean, strongly-typed code with abstractions that are easy to use and adopt in any Typescript project. - Source: / 18 days ago
  • Unlocking the Power of JSON Patch
    Weird, you work at Mozilla and haven't heard of JSON in DBs. A few resources to get you started: - Source: Hacker News / 4 months ago
  • Are Sync Engines The Future of Web Applications?
    If you've been following trends in the web-dev world, you'd know that sync engines have been a centrepiece in several of them, namely: progressive web apps, offline-first apps, and the lately trending term: local-first software. You might have even looked into some of the databases that offer a built-in sync engine such as PouchDb or online services that do the same (e.g., Firestore). I have too, but my general... - Source: / 8 months ago
  • 5 Best Instant Messaging APIs
    Firebase is an app development platform backed by Google that famously replaces the need for a backend. It accomplishes this by providing developers with a variety of services, including authentication, push notifications, and a database called Cloud Firestore that can be adapted to store and broadcast chat messages in realtime. - Source: / about 1 year ago
  • How do you handle different user roles?
    Within the Firebase system, I use Firestore. To minimize queries of multiple collections ( keep server costs down ) I keep users in one collection. Within each user object I have a "roles" property that is a sub-object referencing the different roles available:. Source: about 1 year ago
  • How to Choose the Right Document-Oriented NoSQL Database for Your Application
    NoSQL is a term that we have become very familiar with in recent times and it is used to describe a set of databases that don't make use of SQL when writing & composing queries. There are loads of different types of NoSQL databases ranging from key-value databases like the Reddis to document-oriented databases like MongoDB and Firestore to graph databases like Neo4J to multi-paradigm databases like FaunaDB and... - Source: / over 1 year ago
  • No more Supabase love? Likely switching to Firebase.
    Oh, I don't think this is what you're looking for. It's NoSQL versus Supabase's PostgreSQL implementation. {sigh}. Source: over 1 year ago
  • I just realized how expensive Firebase is for Social Media Apps
    I tried to make a reddit like app. I used both realtime-database and firestore as database. The billing of the two is different from each other. I used realtime-database for frequently updated data (like or upvote, downvote count for ex.) and firestore for more stable and large data (post, comment, community and user data..). While doing this, I only used database rules, I did not use Cloud functions. So, I... Source: over 1 year ago
  • How do I build a database from scratch?
    If you're looking to also learn about NoSQL solutions, look at Firestore from Firebase. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Introducing Firestore into my Premier League Project
    Instead of using BigQuery, I'm storing the data for each match in Google Cloud's Firestore which is part of Firebase. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Need Help Identifying Correct Service
    Would you be able to put the data in a Firestore database on the server and make sure that Firestore gets updated in realtime? If so, you could tell your client to watch a document in the Firestore database, and a handler in your client would be triggered whenever that document is updated on the server. The Firestore client library deals with all the web sockets, timeouts, hung connections, and so on so you don't... Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Advice on Google Cloud products for text document autosave and version tool
    If I were building this, I'd use Firestore. It would take care of a lot of the saving and retrieving drudge work, reducing the amount of code you need to write and infrastructure you need to set up. Source: about 2 years ago
  • How to use Firestore with Redux in a React application
    Firebase is a backend-as-a-service platform. One of their products is Firestore, which is a noSQL database. To use it in your app, the recommended approach is to use the Firebase SDK. - Source: / about 2 years ago
  • Tech stack discussion
    Cloud SQL with MySQL as I can run it locally and know its queries will be expressive enough (where I am uncertain about Firestore, for instance). Source: about 2 years ago
  • how to write to a web document file ?
    In that case you probably want something like Cloud Firestore. Source: about 2 years ago
  • I tried Google Cloud products and here is what every beginner should know
    Realtime database and Firestore database. To learn more about the Realtime database you can visit this link. If you also want to learn more about Firestore, you can do so here. - Source: / over 2 years ago
  • How to Use Firestore and Firebase Realtime Database with Combine in iOS
    That’s where the Firebase database comes into the picture. I’m not going to list out all the benefits of it as it’s a well-known database in the community but you can check out official docs for more information. - Source: / about 2 years ago
  • How to structurize my small Flask App and it's persistent database?
    But if you are comfortable with MongoDB already, that extra coding and setup might be better than learning a new API. It would probably be a good idea to look over the Firestore docs and form your own opinion. Source: about 2 years ago
  • What I Learned Implementing PKCE for Serverless Zoom Apps
    I knew that I was already using Firebase Firestore for storage so that problem was solved but I wasn’t sure how I could map user sessions together. - Source: / over 2 years ago
  • I need help
    Look into cloud firestore, this video series is a good starting point. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Use Firestore to Build Hugo Conten
    > Reminder if you don't see the new file it may be cached in the browser/service worker, you can force refresh the browser to see this. # Fork/Clone lesson-8-firestore-functions The [lesson-8-firestore-functions]( is setup to be the admin side of the site that will interact with [Firebase Firestore]( I wrote... - Source: / over 2 years ago

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