Chosio™ is an easy and fast drag and drop QR-Menu builder. You can do real time updates to your menu from your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
The Chosio™ menu is in your style, choose your fonts, colors and logo. There are 2 themes available But if you are in need of a custom design Chosio™ can help you out.
If you lack time to digitize your menu, Chosio can help you out by doing the work for you, this comes as a free service with Chosio Premium+
You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription at any time. Chosio Free: no credit card required Chosio Premium € 14,50 per month / 14 day free trial Chosio Premium+ € 174,00 per year / Including menu digitization
Chosio makes your menu shareable, let your customers know what you are serving, link it to your website, Tripadvisor and social media accounts.
Every customer likes an offer they can't refuse, so show them your happy hour, or a day special.
Dark Mode
Multiple Languages
Real-time Updates
Order via Whatsapp
Adjustable font size
Allergic notices and labels
Food Filters
User friendly menu composer
No app required
Promote Chosio. You can add any of these badges on your website.
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This is an informative page about Chosio. You can review and discuss the product here. The primary details have not been verified within the last quarter, and they might be outdated. If you think we are missing something, please use the means on this page to comment or suggest changes. All reviews and comments are highly encouranged and appreciated as they help everyone in the community to make an informed choice. Please always be kind and objective when evaluating a product and sharing your opinion.