Given a molecule's IUPAC name/Common Name/Molecular Formula, this chem3D enables you to view the molecule in 3D/AR!There is also an android app to explore the AR models.
This page is dedicated to alternatives to chem3D. As this is a relatively new page, please feel free to suggest alternatives. Thanks.
chem3D Alternatives
chem3D alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and similar products.
RasMol. 96 likes. RasMol is a computer program written for molecular graphics visualization intended and used mainly to depict and explore biological...
RealityMAX is the most powerful free 3D design collaboration platform, 100% online. Cooperate remotely with your colleagues on 3D projects and easily share your work with clients. Create Web3D and AR experiences in a snap, without a line of code.
PyMOL is a powerful and comprehensive molecular visualization product for rendering and animating...
UCSF Chimera is a highly extensible program for interactive visualization and analysis of molecular...
Jmol is a free, open source molecule viewer for students, educators, and researchers in chemistry...
Avogadro is a free, fantastically easy to use molecule editor.
QuteMol is an open source (GPL), interactive, high quality molecular visualization system.
VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamics, molecular graphics software for MacOS X, Unix, and Windows