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CABS Reviews and details

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  • CABS Landing page
    Landing page //

Features & Specs

  1. Free Service

    CABS (Campus Area Bus Service) provides free transportation services to students, faculty, and staff, helping reduce commuting costs.

  2. Environmentally Friendly

    By reducing the number of individual cars on campus, CABS helps lower the carbon footprint and environmental impact associated with campus commuting.

  3. Convenience

    CABS offers multiple routes and frequent stops across the campus, making it convenient for users to travel between different parts of the university.

  4. Reduces Traffic Congestion

    With CABS services available, fewer cars are on the road, lowering traffic congestion on campus and surrounding areas.

  5. Accessibility

    CABS buses are equipped to accommodate individuals with disabilities, promoting inclusivity and accessibility for all campus members.


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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about CABS and what they use it for.
  • From your experience, which campus student jobs are the most easiest?
    Https:// They work around your schedule. No experience necessary. They will train you. $16/hr. Source: over 1 year ago
  • bus routes?
    The routes changed. No more CLN. CLS or WC. No stops on Cannon Dr at all. You have to use the On Demand service. The new routes are Buckeye Express and Campus Connecter. It’s best to go to the web site for more info. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Campus jobs
    Https:// Paid training. Completely work around your schedule. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Working over 28 hours a week as a student employee at OSU
    They normally won’t let you hold two different positions at the University because it complicates payroll and the departments won’t want to pay overtime when they didn’t schedule it as overtime. I know TTM pays at least $16 an hour as a student driver. I’m not sure if they allow more than 28 hours although I know they used to. There is always extra work available. Come give it a try. Source: over 2 years ago

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