User-Friendly Interface
Brainiac offers a clean and intuitive user interface that makes it easy for beginners to navigate and use the platform effectively.
Comprehensive Features
It provides a wide range of features to support various aspects of a side hustle, such as project management, time tracking, and financial planning.
The platform offers cost-effective pricing plans, making it accessible to individuals who are just starting out and may have a limited budget.
Supportive Community
Brainiac fosters a community of like-minded individuals, providing users with access to networking opportunities and peer support.
What to read? - Alchemy - Rory Sutherland - The choice factory - Richard Shotton - Contagious - Jonah Berger - Nudge - Richard H. Thaler - I also recommend my platform - - because it sums up over 150 cognitive biases, principles, and models along with another 100 frameworks, based on over 160 word-of-mouth/viral marketing case studies (the largest library on this topic). Source: over 2 years ago
There are many resources like: - The choice factory - Richard Shotton - Alchemy - Rory Sutherland - I also share 140+ other biases on my website and my $0 Newsletter - Source: over 2 years ago
You can join my free newsletter where I share psychology principles in marketing and viral marketing case studies. Source: about 3 years ago
If you're interested, here's my shamelessly promo of my website: Source: over 3 years ago
I've started my paid newsletter in June 2020.I offered 12 (now 8) viral marketing case studies per month. Every study was a "Danny DeVito-size, with, viral & growth hack strategies, viral tools, viral psychology, just meat, no fluff". Source: over 3 years ago
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