Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups

πŸ”Œmem reduct Utilities

General category for tools that provide additional functionalities and enhancements.

The best Utilities based on votes, our collection of reviews, verified products and a total of 5,991 factors.

Best Utilities in 2024

  1. 542

    The No. 1 Free, Powerful and All-in-one utility for cleaning your PC

  2. 411

    CCleaner cleans, speeds up and frees up space on business endpoints.

  3. Verify your customers in under 15 seconds anywhere in the world with a cutting-edge SaaS & API platform for Identity Verification and AML/KYC compliance.

    Try for free freemium $0.1 (per credit)

    Try for free
  4. 208

    Rufus is a piece of software that allows you to transform a portable drive, like a flash drive or other USB drives, into a bootable drive that can be used for a variety of purposes. Read more about Rufus.

    Open Source

  5. 256

    When your computer is getting full, BleachBit quickly frees disk space.

    Open Source

  6. 258

    Peak performance for your PC. Keeps it going for longer. - More Speed Turbo Mode

  7. 174

    Clean, protect and speed up your Mac

  8. 210

    Is your internet or computer running slow? Auslogics BoostSpeed can help! This award-winning PC optimizer runs disk cleanup, defragments disks & registry, speeds up internet, and keeps your PC glitch-free. Don't let a sluggish computer hold you back.


  9. 228

    Some users swear by it, some call it a glorified snake oil that does more harm than good. That can be said about any snake oil, but what specific brand of snake oil can boast almost a billion downloads around the world?

  10. 175

    Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.

  11. 120

    See what programs are configured to startup automatically when your system boots and you login.

  12. 126

    CrystalDiskInfo. A HDD/SSD utility software which supports a part of USB connection and Intel RAID. >> Download. Intel RAID (IRST). IRST 11.

  13. 176

    Clean junks of Browsers, remove junk and useless files of Windows and Defragment your disk. Wise Disk Cleaner can delete these unnecessary files on your hard disk to free up disk space and make your computer run faster.

  14. 159

    UNetbootin is a utility for creating live bootable USB drives. The name of the software is short for Universal Netboot Installer, and its most prevalent use has been to create bootable versions of Linux distributions on a USB drive.

    Open Source


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