Would you try background video connection with colleagues (https://background.webcam) to solve this isolation problem? Source: about 2 years ago
They just don't know that there are things like background video connection with colleagues (https://background.webcam) which could improve productivity and interpersonal relationships while still working remotely. Source: about 2 years ago
If you have friends among co-workers you could try working with them using background video connection (https://background.webcam). It would help you to be more disciplined. Source: about 2 years ago
If being not visible by colleagues is an underlying fear then theoretically you could resolve it by using background video connection with them (https://background.webcam). Being not around colleagues can provoke such anxiety because you don't see them and how they feel about current state of things. Source: about 2 years ago
If everything else fails, try to propose them to use background video connection with colleagues (https://background.webcam) A possibility to see a colleague might be a decisive argument for them. Source: about 2 years ago
To resolve their doubts you can also suggest them to work using background video connection with colleagues (https://background.webcam). You will be able to see each other which would give help building trust with your employer. Source: about 2 years ago
I am curious, would you prefer going back to working remotely but using background video connection with colleagues (https://background.webcam) or continue 1h tubing to the office? :-). Source: over 2 years ago
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