I would recommend for those who are interested in some kind of solution to keep you safe, to check out either the browser extension called Pocket Universe (https://pocketuniverse.app ) which is a secondary plugin that works to make it more user friendly and very clearly defined what exactly you are authorizing and what can be done when you are connecting your wallet to a site or signing something. Alternatively,... Source: almost 2 years ago
If you did follow my posts in the past, you probably do know, that I am an OG and long term believer into https://getaurox.com/ They are known for an awesome crypto trading terminal but did on top of it a Web3 wallet full into DEFI. Source: almost 2 years ago
Try https://getaurox.com/ it is free and has unlimited alerts. Source: almost 2 years ago
Aurox trading platform. https://getaurox.com it’s free with advance indicators. Buy some urus token while your at it. Source: about 3 years ago
I would look at the Aurox trading terminal and their token URUS. Even if you don't buy the token, you can still use their trading terminal which is how I track all of my crypto holdings (the token gives extra utility in the terminal + future lending/trading functionality). Source: over 3 years ago
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