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API Bakery

Backend code generator for backend API services - create your next backend in seconds.

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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about API Bakery and what they use it for.
  • Where from to start building project?
    If you understand all that and just want to get started as quickly as possible, use a project generator such as cookiecutter-django or API Bakery. Note that I'd avoid using these until you have a solid grasp of Django otherwise you'll have no idea what's going on. Source: over 1 year ago
  • How to Build a RESTful API with Node.js and Express
    My project generator does basically exactly this - determine how your data looks, set up a project and build out CRUD, then you can go do fun stuff. Source: over 1 year ago
  • How Python virtual environments work
    > relocating them will actually break things Yes, absolute paths are hardcoded in several places. I actually have a use case for copying/relocating them (for, and simple search/replace of paths across the entire venv works, but I wouldn't recommend that as a best practice approach :-). - Source: Hacker News / almost 2 years ago
  • Framework for REST API that builds a complete-ish API given a model?
    Use a project generator like (disclosure, I'm the author). Source: almost 2 years ago
  • ImagineAI: A code generator that turns your app spec into a Node project
    Not op, but I have a similar project which does handle auth and a few other extra goodies like bg workers and dev shell: It uses a bearer token instead of JWT tho, for reasons outlined here: (HN discussion here: - Source: Hacker News / almost 2 years ago
  • ImagineAI: A code generator that turns your app spec into a Node project
    There are, for example (I'm the author). If done carefully, the addition of AI will make those services even better (which doesn't seem to be case here, as far as I can see it's just a domain name). - Source: Hacker News / almost 2 years ago
  • Ask HN: Those making $0/month or less on side projects – Show and tell
    Bootstrapping a project generator tool for Django and Node: I expect (well, hope for) it to be making some money at some point in the future but don't worry since it's a side project and something I'm passionate about building even if it's just for fun. - Source: Hacker News / almost 2 years ago
  • Ask HN: What Are You Working on This Year?
    I plan to work more on API Bakery [0], my project generator service. The thing works but looks and feels barebones, and I also need to focus more on marketing (which, as a techie, is a thing I avoid the most). I also plan to get more hands-on experience with the current state of the art AI - probably more prompt-engineering level than pytorch level, but I do like to dive in so who knows. [0] - Source: Hacker News / about 2 years ago
  • Open source developer tooling market
    Ahh, sorry, I meant in developer tooling (here's my product). Source: about 2 years ago
  • A Poor Man's API
    Or just use an API generator like , or another with your favorite framework and call it a day. - Source: Hacker News / about 2 years ago
  • Why is it so hard to write a scaffolding tool?
    I have a horse in this race, with (API service generator for Python and Node). I think today's scaffolding tools (eg. cookiecutter) are just a fraction of what they could be. As the article points out (at least that's my reading), there's tension between expresivness of the tool and ease of use. Incrementality and composition are two ways of trying to handle that. My approach is... - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • Ask HN: Companies of one, what is your tech stack?
    For (API code generator for Django and Node): Frameworks/platforms: Django/DRF, Node, VueJS. DB: PostgreSQL, running on DigitalOcean (vps), server provisioning and deployments using Ansible. For (music streaming service for bars, restaurants, shops, etc): Django/DRF with PostgreSQL for the API, VueJS for the frontend apps, Go for the streaming service, Redis, Go on... - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • Six things I do every time I start a Django project
    Using a boilerplate template can really speed things up, and more importantly, avoid forgetting to set up (or change from default) something that's hard to change later, like the user model. I do a lot of Django+DRF projects and built to help with the initial scaffolding and defining the models (started as my internal tool, later opened it up to the public). - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • Who has a tool or service, useful for SaaS founders?
    API Bakery, creates backend/API for your site or app. This helps developers to get started with a new MVP faster, instead of reinventing the wheel. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Seeking advice on Django starters / templates
    For backend projects with Django REST Framework, try Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Show HN: Forge – A Django SaaS Framework
    There is absolutely a market for this kind of product. If it saves someone a few days of work, the ROI is clear. However, in my experience (have a similar product geared towards API backends:, many developers will stop at "boilerplate" think "cookiecutter" and balk away. The most vocal complaints for me were: - it's just boilerplate, therefore how dare you charge. - Source: Hacker News / almost 3 years ago
  • How to start on building mobile app backend?
    You could start by using a code generator for Node/Express to avoiding having to start with zero, and then adding on top (here's a tutorial for that). Source: almost 3 years ago
  • What backend tech stack would you use to build a REST API from scratch in 2022?
    That said, you don't need to build it from scratch. Use something like API Bakery to get started with your project and CRUD for your data, in a typical Node/Express project. You can then add any extra stuff you need and host it wherever you want. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Is django suitable for my web app?
    If you do go the Django backend + React frontend, you'll probably want to use Django REST Framework to make it simple. Consider autogenerating part of that with a tool such as API Bakery. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Running background tasks using bull and redis
    I've implemented this pattern in API Bakery so if you want to see it in action, you can create a free demo Node/Express project, get this auto-generated and ready to test and use. Make sure you enable Bull support, and check src/utils/queue.js, src/tasks.js, scripts/worker.js and the documentation in Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Looking for a business partner / co-founder for my SaaS
    Definitely have a look at a SaaS template like SaasPegasus and/or project builder like API Bakery to speed up your development. Source: almost 3 years ago

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