Software Alternatives & Reviews

9 Best Linux Gaming Distributions in 2021

Pop!_OS Ubuntu Kubuntu Linux Mint Manjaro Garuda Linux Drauger OS Batocera.linux Lakka SteamOS
  1. A developer-focused minimalist Linux distro from System 76
    In a nutshell, Pop!_OS is easy to use, perfectly suitable for beginners, and compatible with the latest hardware. Feel free to try out the latest LTS (Long-Term Support) version of Pop!_OS. You can explore more about it in our latest Pop OS 20.04 review.

    #Linux #Operating Systems #Linux Distribution 450 social mentions

  2. 2
    Ubuntu is a Debian Linux-based open source operating system for desktop computers.
    • Open Source
    Ubuntu is a no-brainer. If you’re new to Linux, Ubuntu is definitely the most recommended starting point, no matter whether you want it for work or gaming. Personally, I find Pop!_OS more appealing and there are some differences as well.

    #Linux #Operating Systems #Linux Distribution 229 social mentions

  3. Linux operating system distribution derived from Ubuntu but with KDE environment.
    Linux Mint also offers LTS releases similar to Ubuntu. Unlike some Ubuntu flavors (like Kubuntu & Lubuntu), which provides 3 years of system updates, Linux Mint offers 5 years of updates no matter what desktop environment you go for. You get the option to choose Xfce, MATE, or Cinnamon edition.

    #Linux #Operating Systems #Linux Distribution 73 social mentions

  4. Linux Mint is one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions and used by millions of people.
    • Open Source
    Linux Mint also offers LTS releases similar to Ubuntu. Unlike some Ubuntu flavors (like Kubuntu & Lubuntu), which provides 3 years of system updates, Linux Mint offers 5 years of updates no matter what desktop environment you go for. You get the option to choose Xfce, MATE, or Cinnamon edition.

    #Linux Distribution #Linux #Operating Systems 423 social mentions

  5. Manjaro Linux is a linux distribution which is based on arch linux. It uses the PACMAN package manager.
    If you like to have the latest and greatest driver support along with a kernel upgrade, a rolling release distribution like Manjaro Linux would be a good pick.

    #Operating Systems #Linux #Linux Distribution 123 social mentions

  6. Garuda Linux is an appealing Arch Linux based Distro with BTRFS (modern filesystem), Linux-zen kernel, auto snapshots, gaming edition and a lot more bleeding edge features..
    Garuda Linux is rather less known distribution but could be a good fit for general purpose desktop computing and gaming.

    #Laptops #Privacy #Distributions 94 social mentions

  7. Drauger OS is an Ubuntu-based Linux desktop gaming distribution that ships with many modifications and optimizations over stock Ubuntu that are intended to improve gaming performance and the gaming experience.
    Please keep in mind that Drauger OS is NOT for everyday use. It doesn’t come with other Linux applications essential for day-to-day activities like office suite, video editors, audio tools etc.

    #Gaming #Gaming Distribution #Gaming Tools 1 social mentions

  8. Batocera.linux is an open-source and completely free retro-gaming distribution that can be copied to a USB stick or an SD card with the aim of turning any computer/nano computer into a gaming console during a game or permanently.
    • Open Source

    #Gaming #Gaming Tools #Gaming Distribution 41 social mentions

  9. 9
    Lakka is the official Linux distribution of RetroArch and the libretro ecosystem.
    • Open Source
    All the emulators are compiled with the best optimizations possible and so Lakka OS runs the games more smoothly than the normal emulators. Most games will require very few hardware resource, except for the Playstation or Xbox games.

    #Gaming #Gaming Tools #Emulators 5 social mentions

  10. 10
    We've been hard at work to deliver on our promise of a new kind of living room entertainment environment - one that is accessible, powerful and open. In making SteamOS available to you, we're excited to take the next major step towards that goal.
    SteamOS is not your usual desktop operating system. It is tailored for playing games via Steam on your machine. You may choose to run common Linux applications as well – but I’d suggest you to test it out only if you want to use Steam as your preferred platform for gaming.

    #Linux #Operating Systems #Linux Distribution 56 social mentions

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