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What Is the Hardest Part About Learning to Code?

Unix & Linux Stackexchange Stack Overflow Stack Exchange Egghead
  1. A modern Q&A website
    Did you also know that Stack Overflow is part of the Stack Exchange network that manages other sites just like Stack Overflow for different topics? For example Unix & Linux Stack Exchange or the Software Engineering Stack Exchange and many more.

    22 social mentions

  2. Community-based Q&A part of the Stack Exchange platform.
    A programmer’s best friend. If you don’t know Stack Overflow, it’s a place for programmers to ask questions and for other friendly programmers to answer said questions and gain points. It’s been around since 2008 and because it’s been around for so long, the question you have on your mind was most likely already answered. So most of the time you don’t even need to ask, you just Google for it.

    #Knowledge Sharing #Communication #Forums 876 social mentions

  3. Stack Exchange is a fast-growing network of 84 [and counting] question and answer sites on diverse...
    Did you also know that Stack Overflow is part of the Stack Exchange network that manages other sites just like Stack Overflow for different topics? For example Unix & Linux Stack Exchange or the Software Engineering Stack Exchange and many more.

    #Forums #Knowledge Sharing #Social Networks 59 social mentions

  4. Learn the best JavaScript tools and frameworks from industry pros. Video tutorials for badass web developers.
    • Open Source
    I was subscribed to in the past and I was blown away by the quality of their content. It’s an awesome place to learn about your favorite framework or library, such as React, D3, GraphQL or Tailwind CSS. Just check out their list of topics!

    #Online Learning #Online Courses #Online Education 39 social mentions

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