Software Alternatives & Reviews

How to Start Learning a Programming Language without Stress and Anxiety

Stack Overflow GitHub
  1. Community-based Q&A part of the Stack Exchange platform.
    StackOverflow is a question and answer site for programmers. So if you are stuck with some task don’t hesitate to ask more experienced fellows for a piece of advice.

    #Knowledge Sharing #Communication #Forums 876 social mentions

  2. 2
    Originally founded as a project to simplify sharing code, GitHub has grown into an application used by over a million people to store over two million code repositories, making GitHub the largest code host in the world.
    • Open Source
    Github is a repository hosting source where over 65 million professionals share their projects, and codes, and contribute to the open source community.

    #Code Collaboration #Git #Version Control 2045 social mentions

  3. is an online Java programming course that is 80% based on practice.

    #Education #Online Learning #Code Collaboration 34 social mentions

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