Multichannel, white-label and complete ebanking platform built on strong experience in secure application development and online banking applications, the unique architecture has been designed to automatically handle all the security and technical standards, allowing you to concentrate on your business services. Whether you are a small or large financial institution, Opium.eBanking™ helps you to leverage your online channel to fulfill and exceed your customers' expectations.
All the Ready-To-Use services are encapsulated into the same 3-Tier Solution Server so they are available to any application process without the need of scattered external technologies. This approach eliminates most of the risks of global solution deployment and complex maintenance. It also ensures smooth and secure delivery without jeopardizing existing assets, whether they are applications or infrastructure components.
▻ Rapid market deployment ▻ Multichannel solution, desktop & mobile devices ▻ Hybrid or Native mobile electronic banking application ▻ Customizable applications and reports ▻ All in one - out of the box, from strong authentication to STP
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