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This page is dedicated to alternatives to AllMoviesDB. As this is a relatively new page, please feel free to suggest alternatives. Thanks.
AllMoviesDB Alternatives
AllMoviesDB alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and similar products.
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Movie organizing and cataloging software for Windows. Personal Movie Catalog.
Ant Movie Catalog is a free, open-source program made to manage your collection of movies on DVD...
Movienizer is a powerful movie organizer that contains features of an encyclopedia.
Coollector Movie database is the most complete tool for the movie lovers.
EMDB is an application to keep track of your movie and TV Series collection.
Digital asset management - search, browse and find all your digital files. A new quick and easy way to organize your video clips without wasting time.
Vee-Hive delivers a smart, powerful and flexible solution for managing your personal video collection.