There may be times that you have come across an excellent website that hosts excellent videos but the site won't allow users to download videos. Or, you need to record a webinar, game tutorials, lectures, Viber calls, and other computer activities. A screen recording software can definitely help you. And one worth mentioning tool that offers a free and yet powerful facility is AceThinker Online Screen Recorder. This is a handy software that enables you to record your Mac or Windows desktop screen. It allows you to record any area of your screen as a video file. All you need to do to use it is to select the area you wish to record and start recording right away. Moreover, it features a real-time drawing feature. Thus, while recording is ongoing, you can draw and outline your video in real-time. It does not only allow you to record your on-going screen activity, but also you can add Webcam overlay. That means you can record the webcam video of yourself together with a friend on the video you are talking with when having a video call. You can even mix your own voice in case you are going to make a video tutorial. You also get to choose which audio source to record. You can record from the mic, from the system, or record both audios at the same time. Thus, if you need versatile and highly competitive software to record the precious activities on your desktop, you should consider using AceThinker Online Screen Recorder.
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