4n6 Kerio Converter is specially designed for Kerio Server migration to several multiple desktop-based and cloud-based email services. Using this application, computer users can easily move their Kerio server profile data into Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, SeaMonkey, Gmail, Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, and all IMAP compatible services. Kerio migration tool gives dual options to upload Kerio Server profile data in the software window. After that, users can easily preview complete Kerio Server data in the software panel. Even the tool permits to view Kerio connect content, the message header, hex view, and raw messages. Forensic investigators and specialists can proudly use it for collecting crucial evidence from Kerio Server raw data. Kerio Server migration tool can export Kerio server emails into Adobe PDF file extensions that can be easily printed. For legal purposes, forensic experts always prefer to convert Kerio emails into PDF because it is acceptable by most international courts.
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