Extensive Library Collection
PyPI hosts a comprehensive collection of Python libraries and packages, enabling developers to find tools and modules for almost any task, from data analysis to web development.
Ease of Use
The PyPI interface is user-friendly, and installation of packages can be quickly done using pip, Python's package installer. This makes it easy for both beginners and advanced users to manage dependencies.
Community Support
Many PyPI packages are well-documented and supported by a large community of developers, which provides reassurance and assistance through forums, tutorials, and user contributions.
Regular Updates
Packages on PyPI are frequently updated by maintainers to include new features, improvements, and security patches, ensuring that developers have access to the latest and most secure versions.
Open Source
PyPI primarily hosts open-source packages, promoting transparency, collaboration, and the ability to modify packages to better suit individual needs.
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Virtual Environments are isolated Python environments that have their own site-packages. Basically, it means that each virtual environment has its own set of dependencies to third-party packages usually installed from PyPI. - Source: dev.to / 1 day ago
Where can I find packages available for me to use in my project? At https://pypi.org/ of course! - Source: dev.to / 28 days ago
To upload your package to PyPI, you need to create an account on PyPI. - Source: dev.to / about 1 month ago
After setting up Poetry and verifying that everything was working as expected, I tweaked my CI workflow file, updated the tool’s documentation, and went on to publishing my tool to PyPi (The Python Package Index). - Source: dev.to / 3 months ago
Despite the criticisms that some make about the effort involved in creating and maintaining open-source packages, the truth is that the process of publishing on platforms like PyPI and Packagist has become incredibly accessible. If you have a solid project and follow a few simple steps, your code can be available to thousands of developers in a matter of minutes. - Source: dev.to / 4 months ago
Finally, I’ll recommend another official resource that often gets overlooked when you’re starting out. When you’re just writing small scripts, managing dependencies and libraries tends to be ignored. I made that mistake, ignoring versions and compatibility of the libraries you're using can cause major problems, especially as your project grows in size and dependencies. On PyPI (Python Package Index), you can check... - Source: dev.to / 5 months ago
Both Aryan and I wanted to ensure that our code could run on multiple platforms and that our code would be easy to access. For Aryan, this meant getting his github-echo project published to the open-source Python registry, PyPi. - Source: dev.to / 5 months ago
If you want to avoid installing S3Scanner via the above methods, you can also use the Python Package Index (PyPI). To do so, search for S3Scanner on PyPI:. - Source: dev.to / 7 months ago
Create a PyPI account at https://pypi.org and generate an API token. Add this token as a secret in your GitHub repository settings with the name PYPI_API_TOKEN. - Source: dev.to / 6 months ago
SQL Server: This is the SQL dialect we are going to be interacting with for our data extraction Aventure Works Database: This is the collection of databases we are going to be querying our data from. The AW db usually comes with the SQL Server installation by default. But if it doesn't, click on the link and follow the instructions on how to load it into your SQL Server installation. Python and Jupyter: The... - Source: dev.to / 6 months ago
In the first part of this series, we set up a repository for a universally portable Python app. Today, we will register the package with PyPI, the Python Package Index, and use a GitHub Release Action to automate the distribution so that other Python users can install the app with pipx or pip. - Source: dev.to / 11 months ago
To name your Python package, you need to check PyPI to see if your chosen name is already in use. Usually, developers use the same name for both PyPI and your package; however, you can choose a different name if you want to. - Source: dev.to / 10 months ago
Pip install PackageName: installs a package (you can browse the available packages in the Python Package Index). - Source: dev.to / 10 months ago
In my experience so far, I can use a vast amount of the Python Standard Library to build Wasm-powered serverless applications. The caveat I currently understand is that Python’s implementation of TCP and UDP sockets, as well as Python libraries that use threads, processes, and signal handling behind the scenes, will not compile to Wasm. It is worth noting that a similar caveat exists with libraries that I find on... - Source: dev.to / about 1 year ago
We believe that poetry is currently the best tool for this purpose, besides of being the most popular one at the moment. This is why we will use poetry to manage the dependencies of our project throughout this series of posts. Poetry allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on, and it will manage (install/update) them for you. Poetry also allows you to package your project into a distributable... - Source: dev.to / about 1 year ago
From there, I needed to learn a bit about PyPi or Python Package Index, which is the home for all the wonderful packages that you know if you have ever run the handy pip install command. PyPi has a pretty quick and easy onboarding, which requires a secured account be created and, for the purposes of submitting packages from CLI, an API token be generated. This can be done in your PyPi profile. Once logg just... - Source: dev.to / about 1 year ago
I have published the package to Python Package Index, commonly called PyPi, and in this post, I'll be sharing the steps I had to follow in the process. - Source: dev.to / about 1 year ago
According to the stats on the original link, there are over 25,000 identified secret ids/keys/tokens in the data. And it looks like that's just identifiable secrets, e.g. "Google API Keys" that I'm guessing are identifiable because they have a specific pattern, and may be missing other secrets that use less recognizable patterns. I mean, sure, compared to the 478,876 Projects claimed on https://pypi.org/, that's a... - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
Does pypi.org display the Union of all keywords, the keywords of the most recent release, the keywords of the first release or some other weird combination like the intersection? Source: over 1 year ago
Hello I'm new to all this, forgive the mistakes please. I have made a class I want to use in quite a lot of projects, so I tried to put it on pypi.org by following the tutorials. I got the package made, uploaded, even installed it with pip. But when I try to import it I get an error saying it isn't installed. When I check pip, it's definitely installed. Can the packages contain just the class file? I have the... Source: over 1 year ago
Can anyone help me out by downloading a file from Microsoft for me and upload it somewhere so I can download the file. The file is 'C# for Visual Studio Code', here is the link https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csharp. It needs to be for windows x64, and should be the latest version which is 2.0.249. I cannot download the file because Microsoft doesn't like slow internet... Source: over 1 year ago
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