After completing the introductory course, I realized I needed more comprehensive training to truly master Kubernetes. I enrolled in the KodeKloud Udemy course specifically designed for the CKA exam. This course offered in-depth lessons and practical labs that significantly enhanced my understanding of Kubernetes. I spent countless hours working through exercises and scenarios, gradually building my competence. - Source: / 3 months ago
Also, you can find great books at and good videos at for example. Source: about 1 year ago
I had started some DevOps training on, the platform seemed to be solid and the path well laid out. Source: over 1 year ago
Mushad has a full set of linux + devops offering on his site ( but start with the cheap Udemy one. Source: over 1 year ago
6 .Get hands-on experience through internships like udacity,torre or personal projects hosted on Github, or contributing to open-source projects in cncf and Kodekloud. - Source: / over 1 year ago
But now I am having issues downloading from it. Every time I try to open it keeps telling me 400 bad requests. Source: over 1 year ago
If your goal is to just know the basic structure and fundamentals of k8s then I'd suggest you pick up any beginner course on If you're targeting in-depth knowledge, then I strongly recommend Mumshad Mannambeth's course on Udemy. It's a prep course for the CKA exam. It couldn't have been explained clearer or easier. Source: over 1 year ago
Suggestion is to try out and for AWS specific Source: over 1 year ago
I already have memberships to and Their Python are either introductory or focused on specific DevOps applications. It's like "Python for Sysadmins" as opposed to "Python for developers.". Source: over 1 year ago
Hey! I'm not sure this is the answer you're looking for, but I've had a subscription for KodeKloud ( and I've really enjoyed their content. I've taken my CKA and passed it comfortably with their course. Looking to get CKAD and CKS certified in about 2 months, as well as some Puppet / Ansible knowledge. Source: almost 2 years ago
Kode Kloud has playgrounds. Kind of pricey but worth it IMO. Source: almost 2 years ago
I passed my CKA/CKAD/CKS in 3-4 months all taking Mumshad's course from and also Pratice Mumshad's course so that you are through with it everyday. Source: almost 2 years ago
I liked the one from Kodekloud, it has hands on labs access too which helps. Source: almost 2 years ago
KodeKloud is a nice devops learning platform. It's pretty cost effective (£30/month I believe) and it gives you both a wealth of training as well as a pretty extensive sandbox many of the big cloud platforms including AWS, Azure and Hashicorp. Source: almost 2 years ago
As far as hands on learning, it’s hard to go wrong with Source: almost 2 years ago is a great place to start. I used and because I wanted to get into a devops role. You can learn on youtube but you spend a lot of time just trying to find the right videos. So I recommend trying to use a website that offers a structured format. Source: almost 2 years ago
Kodekloud is a platform to learn kubernetes. So there you will be able to find complete courses from beginners level to certifications. (with specific exercies to prepare you for the exam!). - Source: / over 2 years ago
Https:// Kodekloud is having its free week with all of their features ! Check it out. Source: almost 2 years ago
Neither, for DevOps look no further Source: almost 2 years ago
Checkout, good reviews and should provide a good DevOps foundation to build on. Source: almost 2 years ago
If you want K8s, take Mumshad's course either on udemy or get a subscription to KodeKloud. Register for the CKA and/or CKD, though imo if you're not in an enterprise company with a team just for maintaining K8s there's literally no reason to not be using a provider K8s flavor a la EKS, AKS, etc. Source: about 2 years ago
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