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Rust is "building sand castles with quick-sand ON QUICK SAND"

Myspace AOL Reader
  1. Discover, share and connect with culture, creativity, sound, images and people.
    Oh I know, but it's time has passed. Much like MySpace or AOL. I admit it would have been more accurate to phrase it as the golden age of slashdot, or similar.

    #Music Streaming #Music Online #Music 38 social mentions

  2. AOL Reader For iOS. Bring that same RSS reader experience you enjoy using everyday with you. Browse all your favorite websites, switch between different views, and search like you would on your desktop.
    Oh I know, but it's time has passed. Much like MySpace or AOL. I admit it would have been more accurate to phrase it as the golden age of slashdot, or similar.

    #Communication #Messaging #Group Chat & Notifications 137 social mentions

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