Hijri Calendar Pro app is a digital date conversion tool that allows you to calculate dates in the Hijri calendar format according to the position of the moon.
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Check out our list of Hijri Calendar Pro alternatives.
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Hijri Calendar Pro Alternatives
When Hijri Calendar Pro is down, try these alternatives
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Hijri WCC app allows you to convert dates from Hijri to Gregorian format or vice versa so you can track all the religious events with a single tap.
Hijri Islamic Calendar Plus Calendar is an elegant mobile application introduced by Life Path that helps the Muslim community to regulate Hijri calendar months to determine the essential days to observe the Ramadan schedule and suhoor/iftar timing a…
Misri Calendar (Hijrical) app enables users to view accurate Salah timings, so they don’t miss Salah by setting alarms to receive notification alerts.
Islamic Hijri Calendar 2019 is a digital calendar app by Quran Reading that offers features that let you receive all the essential information about upcoming as well as previous Islamic events in Hijri and English dates so you can prepare for them… …
Hijri Islamic Calendar Pro app comes up with features to help users in getting the accurate dates of Islamic events and rituals so they can convert dates from Hijri to Gregorian format.
Age In Hijri is an age calculator app by Hassan Kassem that offers features to enable you to calculate your age in the Islamic lunar calendar by entering your date of birth in the Gregorian calendar.
Miqat app allows users to get high accuracy prayer timings according to their location with a weather forecast of upcoming as well as the current day.
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Status Check FAQ
Why our public status pages are better than others?
We rely on both automated checks and user reported issues.
How often do you check if a service is down?
If there are reported issues or interest in a specific service, we might check as frequently as every minute. However, we may check less frequently for services with less interest or fewer reported issues. For example, once every hour.
What is the best way to report an issue?
The easiest way to report an issue is to use the single-click light-yellow buttons at the top of this page. They represent the most common issues and are the fastest way to report an issue. Nevertheless, you can also use the 'Report an Issue' button or link at the top to report any issue you may have with the service. Also, you are more than welcome to use the comments box and discuss any tips, solutions or resolutions with the community.
SaaSHub's Down Detector checks the status of services automatically and regularly. However, we cannot promise 100% accuracy. That is why we depend on user reported issues as well. The Hijri Calendar Pro status here can help you determine if there is a global outage and Hijri Calendar Pro is down for everyone or if it is just you who is experiencing problems. Please report any issues to help others know the current status.