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What is Marketing Portal, what are its Benefits, and Who uses it?

Marketing is no longer an intuitive aspect of the business where brands spend money on open media platforms with no measurable outcomes or tangible data to ensure its success. After the advent of digital marketing, marketing has not only become data-driven, but it also evolved and now brands can cater personalized digital experiences to each of their customers and get actionable insights along with measurable outcomes.

But, with the increase in information, insights and outcomes, the role has also become complex. Marketers not only design macro market campaigns, but they also have to create micro-personalized campaigns, create reliable and relevant digital data points and create brand-centric customer interactions. Their KRA is not just about conversion and sales, but also about creating unique brand experiences that can create a lasting impression on the minds of their potential target audience. Also, there are concepts like omnichannel marketing where marketers literally “leave no stone unturned” and generate brand-personalized content for each digital platform where their potential customers are present. Right from creating personalized emails to creating content for social media platforms to generating brand-personalized assets, they now have to manage many different collaterals and digital assets.

So, how can a marketer or the team of marketing manage all these digital assets, marketing campaigns, customer relationships and consumer data? Since technology has made marketing feasible, tangible and measurable, it can also make marketing collaterals and marketing assets manageable with a marketing portal.

What is a marketing portal?

A marketing portal is an online space or software solution where marketers can create marketing assets and artwork, manage them, edit them, store them and distribute them on all the digital and physical channels from one single platform.

The platform acts as a marketing repository where all the marketing personnel can create artwork, collaborate remotely on campaigns, assign tasks, manage campaigns and track activities for transparency and accountability. It can also act as a marketing information management system where they can create credible information for all the stakeholders and help them understand their roles and responsibilities.

If you are an online printing business with remote teams, a marketing portal can help you organize and manage your marketing collaterals and personnel from one single platform. Apart from that, the portal can deliver following benefits you, your customers and your business:

Benefits of a marketing portal:


With a marketing portal at hand, marketers can easily track the owner of the content and also track the changes made by each member of the team. The platform can also be used to track all the versions of the artwork design and who was responsible for each task. This capability creates complete transparency in the process and allows decision-makers and supervisors to keep track of each artwork design, its authority, changes and timeline. The platform can also be used to assign tasks and thus, each member of the team has a clear idea as to what they need to do.

Access control:

With the marketing portal managing all your assets and personnel, you can introduce which person has how much authority with the digital assets. This means that with access control you can ensure that only the authorized personnel have access to amend the artwork and content. You can provide other personnel to review and comment but if they are not authorized, they will not be able to make any changes to your artwork and assets.

Reduced Turn-around time:

An online printer can employ a marketing portal not only to manage digital assets, but also to use the solution as a web-to-print solution or vice versa. An ideal online artwork design tool can work just like a marketing portal for your business. Along with marketing assets and artwork, the web-to-print can also be used for custom product design as customers can design their own products and place order with you. Thus, not only can you manage marketing assets and campaigns; you can manage the entire design and print order cycle from one single platform. Also, since web-to-print software comes as an extension to your online store, it can be seamlessly integrated and is user-friendly.

This means that customers can design their own products and marketers can design brand-centric designs with web-to-print. Also, a web-to-print solution can be used to create design templates to ensure that all your artwork aligns with the brand guidelines.

Analytical capabilities:

Your marketing portal will have a centralized database of all your marketing collaterals, campaigns and artwork. Thus, at a glance, you can measure the performance of each artwork and campaign with dynamic reporting. These reports will give you insights about the artwork or campaign that performs the best for your brand and use those artworks as a template to create effective content for all your marketing channels.

How can a web-to-print marketing portal give an edge to a printer?

After going through all these benefits and use cases of a marketing portal, the Design'N'Buy web-to-print solution with integrated marketing and artwork design automation capabilities can provide the following benefits to an online print shop:

• Design automation capabilities to create marketing and product artwork

• Order, customer and marketing management solutions in one-single platform

• Decreased design turn-around time and 24*7 print-order window for business

• Complete transparency and elimination of human errors from task delegation

• A solution that provides actionable insights for data-driven decision making

• Increased efficiency and productivity provide a boost to the growth and profitability of an online print business

Who can use the marketing portal?

Any online print business that wishes to have a sustainable development goal and an established marketing team can use the marketing portal. Whether you have a global business with remote teams and global customers or a niche market with a small marketing team, design automation and artwork management can be beneficial to businesses of all sizes and scales.

Get an edge over your competition:

Whether you wish to integrate market trends or create and manage an effective marketing campaign or just introduce product innovation without spending much on research, a web-to-print solution with marketing management is your best bet. Create fast-paced and automated business operations that can ensure effective management and operation excellence to contribute towards your bottom line.

About the author

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Amy Watson
Amy Watson is professional expert in printing addons and software development technology. She has more than 5 years of experience in product customization software. She has just research, analysed and introduced about web-to-print product customize software to use anytime from anywhere. Visit for more information: