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How to reach new markets and localize emails in 10+ languages

Every business wants to prosper and expand, and this desire inevitably leads to entering new markets. New regions mean thousands of potential customers that can bring huge profits. However, there is always one barrier between business and foreign clients, namely language.

Why care about newsletter localization

Email marketing is one of the main tools businesses use for communicating with customers and generating sales. Hence, when entering a foreign market, the localization of newsletters becomes vital for companies. Сommunication in the subscriber’s language is a kind of personalization, not a technical possibility or need. Studies show:

  • 86% of localized ads are more productive and have a higher conversion and click-through rate;
  • 75% of consumers want to receive goods and services in their native language;
  • Fortune 500 companies that invest in localizing their marketing strategies are 2.04 times more likely to improve profits and gain more leads.

As you can see, localizing your emails is a necessity that will definitely pay off. However, you most likely noticed the phrase "invest in localization," which is the main stumbling block for some businesses. Producing email newsletters in one language is the hard work of designers, copywriters, email marketers, and other specialists involved in the email production process. As a result, translating emails into other languages (including designing them all over again) ​​is an additional expense. And the wider the language audience you want to cover, the longer and more expensive the process of adapting your email newsletter into various languages will be.

Not all businesses can afford to hire additional translators and designers and take the time to redesign emails. However, there is a way out, and its name is Stripo’s Email Translate service.

How can it help you with email localization?

Stripo is an advanced email design platform that simplifies and speeds up the email production process through its huge number of pre-built templates and a convenient and easy-to-use Drag and Drop feature. Thanks to the Email Translate service, Stripo allows businesses to easily adapt their newsletters to a number of foreign markets.

There are over 100 languages in the user's arsenal ​​into which emails can be translated as well as several methods of translation. The platform directly integrates with Google Translate, allowing users to translate email text right in the email editor. However, it is possible for advanced users to download XLS and JSON files with translations made by professional translators.

The first method is extremely convenient and simple for novice users since Google Translate is one of the most popular translators on the Internet. The second method is suitable for businesses with a staff of native speakers or professional translators who are ready to invest in localization.

However, let’s imagine that you don’t have your own translators, or you are a simple freelance marketer who needs to complete a task for a foreign market. Stripo has taken this scenario into account, and the platform grants the user the option to proofread a copy of the email. You can provide an email to a professional translator or native speaker for proofreading at any time, thanks to a simple and, at the same time, secure system of invites and roles. In simple terms, your proofreader will only be able to edit the text of the email and nothing else.

Why not use Mailchimp instead?

MailChimp also allows you to manage your international subscribers. Mailchimp is an ESP, which means that its main task is to build complex sending scenarios and actually send emails. Stripo doesn't do sending, but they are investing a lot into developing the most innovative and simple email template builder features. For example, it is the first tool that allows creating of interactive AMP emails without any coding by simply using a WYSIWYG editor. They also allow users to export created templates to any preferred ESP, such as Mailchimp, in a couple of clicks.

Final words

The ability to quickly localize email newsletters erases the boundaries for enterprises that want to enter new markets. The Stripo’s Email Translate service is created to automate these routine processes and save your time on email production. For instance, if you run email campaigns in 6 different languages, you don’t need to build 6 different emails for each language anymore with this tool. Therefore, you reach new markets and new customers without any barriers.

About the author

Dmitry Kudrenko avatar

Dmitry Kudrenko
Founder and CEO at and eSputnik. An expert in email marketing automation. Licensed specialist in Lead Management and Email Messaging according to Meclabs, the world-famous company that runs numerous investigations in marketing. Speaker at multiple specialized conferences in Estonia, Germany, the USA, Portugal, the Netherlands. My goal is to make email marketing more accessible for businesses and more useful for subscribers.