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The Essential Remote Working Tools You Need to Increase Productivity

Working remotely is becoming increasingly popular after the global pandemic also struck because it offers many advantages for both employees and employers. It can be a great way to save money on commuting costs, avoid office distractions, and have more flexibility in your work schedule.

However, working from home can also be a bit isolating, making some of us difficult to stay productive. Those social media notifications, dishes, and comfy sofa are so tempting.

Thanks to the internet. There are a ton of great tools that can help us stay focused and productive while working remotely. We'll break down the essentials you need.

Project Management Tools

When working apart from your team, collaboration is key to keeping everyone on the same page and avoiding misunderstandings.

Project management tools can be great for organizing tasks, setting deadlines, and tracking progress on projects. They can also be used to store meeting notes, training videos for the team and new hires, documents, and other project-related information in one place accessible to everyone on the team.

Some of the most popular project management tools

Time Tracking Tools

If you find yourself getting easily distracted or have trouble staying focused on tasks, time tracking tools can be a big help.

These timer apps let you track how much time you spend on each task, so you can see where you're spending the most time and identify areas where you could be more efficient.

Time tracking tools can also help you estimate how long tasks will take in the future, which can be helpful when planning projects.

You might consider these tools the most popular ones in the market:

Communication Tools

Remote working can be isolating. There's no watercooler to chat around or impromptu meetings to pop into. That's why good communication tools are essential for remote teams.

Regular check-ins, whether via video chat, phone call, or email, can help you stay connected and on the same page.

With the right communication tool, you can stay in touch with your team members easily and quickly, no matter where they are in the world.

And when you need to share documents or files, there are a number of tools that make it easy to do so.

Here are some popular communication tools for remote teams:

Cloud Storage Tools

If you're working remotely, chances are you're using some sort of cloud-based storage tool to store and share files.

Cloud storage tools make it easy to access your files from anywhere, and they offer a number of features that can be helpful for remote teams, like real-time collaboration and version history.

That way, you can ensure that everyone is working on the most up-to-date document version, and you can see how a document has changed over time.

Some popular cloud storage tools include:

Notification Blockers

Notifications can be a big distraction, whether working from home or in an office. Email notifications, social media notifications, and even Amazon Prime notifications can be downright annoying when you're trying to stay focused on a task.

Fortunately, there are a number of notification management tools that can help you control which notifications you see and when you see them.

That way, you can focus on your work without being interrupted by every little thing that's going on.

Some of the most popular notification management tools are:

Live Collaboration Tools

There are a number of live content collaboration tools that can be helpful for remote teams. These tools allow you to work on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real-time with other team members.

That way, you can brainstorm ideas, share feedback, and make document changes without having to send them back and forth.

Some popular live collaboration tools include:

Team-Building Tools

Not only isolating but working from home can also burn you out. And when you're feeling lonely and tired, it can be tough to stay motivated and productive.

Fortunately, there are a number of team-building tools that can help you stay connected with your team members and build relationships. And when you feel connected to your team, it creates solid teamwork that can lead to a more productive workflow.

Here are some popular team-building tools for remote teams:

Wrapping Up

As you can see, there are a number of different types of tools that can be helpful for remote teams. Using the right mix of tools allows you to stay connected with your team, stay on top of projects, and boost your productivity. One thing to bear in mind is to make sure you choose the best tools for you and your team. Not all tools are created equal, and what works for one team might not work for another.

About the author

Andre Oentoro avatar

Andre Oentoro
Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order).