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How to Convert UGC into Shoppable Experiences?

Users have become a substantial part of the marketing funnel. Now, they do not relish or engage with branded experiences as much as they connect to genuine and authentic experiences. As a result, eCommerce brands have realized the importance of featuring user-generated content(UGC), in shoppers' online experiences to build brand trust and drive sales.

Further, 70% of the users trust UGC more than brand-generated content, and 79% say it has an impact on their purchase investments. And with lines between content and commerce getting blur, it is about time for eCommerce brands to bring UGC into shoppable experiences.

Shoppable UGC gallery can seamlessly tap into the buying impulse of the shoppers and provide them with exciting, engaging and dependable shopping experiences. With this blog, you will get a brief idea about integrating user-generated content into eCommerce, including the tools that can help.

How Can You Integrate Shoppable UGC Into eCommerce?

There are multiple ways in which you can bring shoppable UGC into your eCommerce or online store. Let’s run through the best ones.

1. Product Page Galleries

Product page galleries are becoming a go-to solution for eCommerce and online brands to enhance conversions and boost revenue. It is from the product pages that the buyer decides whether or not to go ahead with their purchases.

By embedding user-generated content in the product pages brands can showcase real uses of the product to the buyers, ease their purchase anxiety, and boost their confidence in purchases.

Further, today’s buyers relate more to content created by people like them and depend on their experiences before deciding whether or not to go ahead with the brand.

2. Shoppable Instagram Gallery

Incorporate a shoppable Instagram gallery with your online store to spark shoppers' inspiration to buy and boost sales.

Furthermore, Instagram being a visually appealing platform, can effectively attract the shoppers' attention, help them envisage the product in real life, and make informed buying decisions. In fact, the user-generated visuals are diverse and credible, which can further alter how prospects perceive the product and ultimately boost sales.

3. Visual UGC Lookbooks

Showcase user visuals and reviews on your webpages to help the potential users know the reality of the product, enhance its discovery, and spark product imagination.

Moreover, it is the safest way to integrate user-generated content into shoppable experiences. Showcase authentic photos with tagged products to turn UGC into visual shops. You can highlight customer-generated content across the buying journey to maximize conversions.

72% of users are more likely to purchase after considering visual and textual reviews, over brand-generated content.

4. Visual Commerce Platform

Turn engaging social content from platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest shoppable by adding product tags to them. By creating a visual commerce platform, you can quickly draw traffic to your website and boost conversions.

Be it your homepage, category page, product page or checkout page; you can easily integrate visual commerce and amplify the shoppers' shopping experience.

5. Integrate Customer Reviews & Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings play an important role in achieving those selling figures. Building credible relationships become easy by showcasing what your existing users say about you.

Consumers interacting with user-generated content are 2x more likely to convert over to other formats of content. Hence, by showcasing customer reviews on key selling pages, the chances of converting leads into customers increase.

Tools That Can Help In Making UGC Shoppable

By using these tools you can convert your UGC into Shoppable experiences.

1. Tagshop

Taggshop has helped global eCommerce brands drive conversions and revenue with solutions like shoppable galleries, visual lookbooks, customer reviews, and visual commerce.

Leveraging visual commerce, you can track and collect the most valuable and influential UGC generated on Instagram and on your website. Tag products to the visual UGC posts that feature your products and make them shoppable. Authentic experiences inspire customers to invest into the brand, and that’s exactly where Taggshop’s solutions are aimed at.

You can collect users' content generated using various connection types like hashtags, handles, etc., this content can then be made shoppable and integrated into any web page or location within your online store.

2. Ducksuite

Ducksuite is another platform for bringing social content to the website. Using the platform, brands can collect customer visuals generated on Instagram in real-time, moderate it to showcase only appealing posts on the online store.

This content can be made shoppable by adding product tags to boost conversion, ROI and brand-user relationship.

Over To You

Consumers buying behavior has taken an about turn, compelling eCommerce brands to pace with their growing needs and providing a rather seamless experience.

By strategically leveraging shoppable UGC for your eCommerce store, you can easily win users’ trust, engagement and conversions. Furthermore, when the buying journey is backed by social proof and authenticity the chances of selling increases, amongst other things.

So, if driving maximum benefit from your marketing effort is keeping you on toes, about time you leverage shoppable UGC for your brand.

About the author

Neeraj Singal avatar

Neeraj Singal
Neeraj Singal is the CEO of Taggshop by Taggbox, a social commerce platform. He is a competent team leader. With 8+ years of experience in the digital marketing field, he has successfully introduced four auspicious products within Taggbox. Taggshop is a shoppable UGC and visual shopping platform for ecommerce brands and online stores to activate their user-generated content by tagging products and publish shoppable UGC galleries on their website to drive sales, social proof, engagement, conversions, and seamless shopping experiences.