Software Alternatives & Reviews

SaaSHub Experts

Select May 01's Top 5 products
Selected: 0 out of 5

Find Me Sales

AI automated sales research and outreach starting with a real-time database of 200m+ companies. Supercharge your leads automation with a free trial today, then get pricing from only £18/m.

Lead Generation Sales

Video,Live Chat & Help Center widget for the website. Free Live Chat & Help Center forever.

Chatbot Platforms & Tools Live Chat


Next generation session manager

Session Manager Tab Manager


A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript built with V8, Rust, and Tokio.

Typescript JavaScript

Work pulse

Work pulse is a work scheduling application built to help you better manage time at work.

Office & Productivity Time Tracking


BuiltByBuilder is a platform that offers various web templates and components to helps freelancers and companies build their web applications.

Website Builder Page Builder


FastAPI is an Open Source, modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.

Developer Tools API Tools

Amazon Route 53

Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable DNS web service.

Domain Name Registrar Domain Names

Color Hunt

Curated collection of beautiful colors, updated daily

Design Tools Color Gradients


The place to build your community and share interests.

Social Networks Messaging

Tomba is the leading solution to find and verify professional email addresses. Start using Tomba and connect with the people that matter for your business.

Sales Tools Lead Generation


Gyre is a tool for 24/7 live streaming of pre-recorded content that may significantly boost your channel by attracting more views, increasing channel watch time, enhancing audience engagement, and generating additional revenue.

Video Video Streaming


The multiplatform game creation tools for everyone.

Game Development Game Engine

Discover Simplici, the leading compliance and verification solution. Streamline your processes with secure eSignatures and KYC/AML checks. Book a demo today.

Identity Verification And Protection Identity Verification

Payara Server

Payara Server is a fully supported, developer-friendly, open source application server. Innovative, cloud-native, optimized for production deployments. Jakarta EE & MicroProfile compatible.

Web And Application Servers Application Server

Select the Top 5 products
according to the community.

The goal is to select the most useful, interesting and innovative products.
  • 35 experts have promoted products this round.
  • There are 2435 pending nominations for next round.
  • Minimum rating to enter this round was: 281

Experts points per correct position: 108, 84, 63, 42, 21
Bonus points for total correct guesses: 8, 13, 21, 34, 55
e.g. If you selected top 1,2 & 5 products, you would get: 108 + 84 + 21 + 21 = 234 points

If you select more than 5 products (up to 10), you will have a bigger chance to get the top ones.
However, your points and rating will be adjusted proportionally.
e.g. 6 products selected: points * 0.9 points
7 products selected: points * 0.8 points

Nomination and User Comments

Color Hunt

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Useful for designers

Work pulse

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Our team decided to build an effective franchise management solution that's as convenient to use as it is powerful


User avatar

Best in class game designing software

User avatar

Unity is a comprehensive platform for building games. It's got a bit of a learning curve, but once you learn, the possibilities of what you can build are vast.