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4 Best Time Series Databases To Watch in 2019

InfluxData TimescaleDB OpenTSDB Graphite
  1. Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics.
    • Open Source
    InfluxDB is part of the TICK stack : Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf and Kapacitor. InfluxData provides, out of the box, a visualization tool (that can be compared to Grafana), a data processing engine that binds directly with InfluxDB, and a set of more than 50+ agents that can collect real-time metrics for a lot of different data sources.

    #Big Data #Databases #Time Series Database 2 social mentions

  2. TimescaleDB is a time-series SQL database providing fast analytics, scalability, with automated data management on a proven storage engine.
    • Open Source
    The Guardian did a very nice article explaining on they went from MongoDB to PostgresSQL in the favor of scaling their architecture and encrypting their content at REST. As you can tell, big companies are relying on SQL-constraint systems (with a cloud architecture of course) to ensure system reliability and accessibility. I believe that PostgresSQL will continue to grow, so will TimescaleDB. By belonging to the PostgresSQL ecosystem, TimescaleDB will inherit from all the tools and plugins developed by this huge community.

    #Time Series Database #Time Series Data #Postgres 5 social mentions

  3. OpenTSDB is a distributed, scalable Time Series Database (TSDB) written on top of HBase.
    • Open Source
    OpenTSDB has been running for quite more time than its competitors and is one of the first technologies to address the need to store time series data at a very large scale. OpenTSDB promises to be able to store hundreds of billions of data rows over distributed instances of TSD servers.

    #Databases #Time Series Database #NoSQL Databases

  4. Graphite is a highly scalable real-time graphing system.
    Graphite is a even more established and very widely used time series database system. Graphite is a powerful monitoring tool that store numeric time series data and display them on demand via its Graphite-web interface at a fair speed. Graphite is most of the time used as a system, network and application performance metric store. Big companies such as, Reddit and GitHub use it on a daily basis to be able to easily detect outage on their architecture.

    #Monitoring Tools #Log Management #Application Performance Monitoring 9 social mentions

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