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Get data from Cloud SQL with Python

Google Cloud PostgreSQL Google Cloud SQL
  1. Fully-managed database service
    For the database, I used Cloud SQL, which is a managed database service from Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This GCP product provides a cloud-based alternative to MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server databases. The great advantage of Cloud SQL is that it is a managed service, that is, you do not have to worry about some tasks related to the infrastructure where the database will run, tasks such as backups, maintenance and updates, monitoring, logging, etc. In this example I used Postgres SQL.

    #Developer Tools #Databases #Productivity 5 social mentions

  2. Google Cloud SQL is a fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set-up, maintain, manage and administer your MySQL database.
    For the database, I used Cloud SQL, which is a managed database service from Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This GCP product provides a cloud-based alternative to MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server databases. The great advantage of Cloud SQL is that it is a managed service, that is, you do not have to worry about some tasks related to the infrastructure where the database will run, tasks such as backups, maintenance and updates, monitoring, logging, etc. In this example I used Postgres SQL.

    #Databases #Relational Databases #Tool 15 social mentions

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