Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups

Submit a Product

Please make sure that the URL you are providing can be openned.

Successful submission advice

Follow the guidelines
Please read the guidelines below before submitting your product.
Add Categories
List a few relevant categories. You may check your competitors' categories for inspiration.
List Competitors
The submission will be slowed down and put to the bottom of the queue if there are not listed competitors.
Verify the product
Verifying your product will give it a higher priority. You will need an email address on the product's domain.
A URL to the product website or a product page on your company's website.
Please note that all submitted products go through an approval process.
Software development agencies are not accepted.

What kind of products we are accepting:

  • SaaS, IaaS & PaaS products and services
  • Most software products and apps
  • Mobile apps (with decent websites)
  • Websites and services that are leaders in a specific niche (e.g. Airbnb)

Sometimes we could be a bit too liberal or relaxed when approving products. However, we preserve the right to reject or remove products even if they have been approved already.

By continuing you agree with the terms of service and privacy policy of the website.