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Track your music history, showcase your favorite songs, artists and albums, all while keeping your friends and family close to your new discoveries. Just connect and start listening! Reviews and details

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  • A simple poll to test a theory
    I think a lot of lastfm not detecting music is actually a Spotify problem. went on hiatus specifically to find a way around Spotify's eternally broken API. Almost everytime Spotify stops scrobbling, local files will work perfectly fine for me. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Proper fix to the desktop spotify scrobbeling issue?
    From what I've read it's mainly a Spotify issue. Most of the time when "scrobbling doesn't work" it's only Spotify and anything from a different source scrobbles just fine. Lastfm alternative went on hiatus at the end of last year specifically so they could work a way around Spotify's API because that's what's causing all the problems. Source: over 2 years ago
  • ListenBrainz: Import from other sources than LastFm?
    Sorry for not being able to answer your question, but is really good. If you use spotify, you can sync the way allows you to. Source: over 3 years ago
  • Last.FM is not what it used to be. Now it's a joke.
    I had a good time too before the overhaul happened in late summer 2015. I met lots of people, interacted with many others in popular groups and forums. Now it's a dull platform meant to track your listening habits. There is a new alternative called wavy.FM. This year they are bringing communities such as groups and forums. I cannot wait for it to that happen. I read in FAQ that you can send a message to a staff... Source: almost 4 years ago

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