Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups

Transform any text into speech with our Text-to-Speech service. Choose from our plentiful selection of voices, from deep male to high-pitched female, and add punctuation marks and pauses to make your speech sound as natural as possible.

Best Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

The best alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and other factors.
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  1. Main Feature: Full Common Functions: Read Text Files o Text files o MS Word files

  2. ClipBoard Speaker Change the way you read text. TM Features: Add new entry for any plain text you copy from applications. New entry is automatically synthesized / spoken, even when a new entry added.

  3. ChatGPT for cryptocurrencies

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  4. Transform Any Text Into A 100% Human-Sounding Voiceover with only 3 clicks!

  5. Text to speech extension for a browser.

  6. eSpeak is a compact open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages, for...

  7. Online Text to Speech by ReadSpeaker.

  8. Text 2 Voice is a free online software that converts text into high quality natural voice. Free unlimited text to voice conversion and mp3 download. You can choose from 20 languages and 10 regional dialects for specific languages.

  9. Acapela Group, the leading European voice expert leaning upon 25 years of experience, invents...

  10. Loquendo TTS software brings you truly natural sounding voices able to read any kind of dynamic...

  11. develops Windows text to speech (TTS) software applications like TextAloud that let your...

  12. Simple TTS Reader is a small clipboard reader. Simply copy any text, and it will be read aloud.

  13. Listen to websites as you would listen to podcasts.

    paid Free Trial $4.0 / Monthly (Standard Plan (3,000 credits/month))

  14. Named for a parrot, Amazon Polly is a text-to-speech (TTS) software that makes your text come to life in a natural, authentic way. The software has many lifelike voices, both male and female, and in a variety of languages.

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