Creates drive-letters for any folders on your harddisk. Useful to create virtual drives e.g.
We know about 5 alternatives to vSubst.
You can find them below.
The top competitors are: Visual Subst, Extra subst, and USBDLM.
Apart from the top ones, people
also compare vSubst with
Win Subst and Psubst.
Best vSubst Alternatives & Competitors
vSubst alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and similar products.
Create drive letters for folders
Extra Subst – program designed to make access to frequently used folders of your computer easier.
Persistent USB thumbdrive mapping:
Win Subst is a free tool for Windows to substitute a drive letter to a local folder on the same computer, just like the old DOS subst command.
Associates a path with a drive letter and extends the standard SUBST command allowing to create persistent substituted drives between startups
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