Audio CD Burning, Audio Formats Converter, Audio Mixing, and Audio Information Editing in this all in one tool. With Softdiv MP3 to WAV Converter, you can create your own Audio CD from audio MP3, WAV, WMA, MP2 or OGG. Softdiv MP3 to WAV Converter supports a large number of audio formats conversion. It support audio formats conversion for MP3 to WAV, MP3 to OGG, MP3 to VOX, MP3 to WMA, MP3 to MP2, WAV to MP3, WAV to OGG, WAV to WMA, WAV to VOX, WAV to MP2, WMA to MP3, WMA to WAV, WMA to OGG, WMA to VOX, WMA to MP2, OGG to MP3, OGG to WAV, OGG to VOX, OGG to WMA, OGG to MP2, MP2 to MP3, MP2 to WAV, MP2 to WMA, MP2 to OGG, MP2 to VOX. This program also allow you to mix audio files easily.Other features includes audio tag editor, drag & drop interface, and MP3/WAV/OGG/WMA/MP2 player with a range of awesome visualizations to choose from.
Audio Converter
Audio CD Burn
Audio Mixing
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